Chapter Seven: I'm Sorry Jesse

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Jesse's POV

Maryam shut the door a drove off.


There has to be a way I can remember her.

I thought about it, as I walked to my car. All I had to work with, was that we were in a few classes together thought out all 4 years of high school. Besides that, I got nothing. I'm sure to remember someone I've seen multiply times. How can I not? Maybe she was probably unpopular. I only hung out with my circle of people.

I buckled up and placed my key in the ignition, but quickly moved my hand when a plan came into mind. It might actually work, if I just do it right. All I need are yearbook. I don't have school yearbooks of my own, but luckily, I know someone who does.


I ran up the drive way and rang the door bell. "Jesse, babe! What are you doing here?" Ronda asked, confused by my unexpected visit.

I pushed past her and immediately went up the stairs, straight for her room. "Jesse, you dog! My parents are coming home soon." she giggled and came into the room after me.

She pushed me down on her bed and got on top of me. Her lips came down to mine and I immediately blocked it with my hand.
I couldn't understand what she was mumbling, but from the tone of it she sound mad. "What?" I asked, when I moved my hand away.

She got off of me and crossed her arms. "Why did you do that! Are, you breaking up with me?" she whined and started to cry.

I wish!

I quickly hugged her and patted her back. "Shh, no I'm not. I'm just in a rush to get something."

Ronda has every single yearbook, since 9th grade. I know that if I look through them, I'll be bound to find a photo of Maryam and remember her.

"Oh, well what are you looking for?" she sniffed and wiped her face.

I got up a search around in her bookshelf. "All of your high school yearbooks."

She got up and removed them from a drawer from her dresser. "Here they are." she said, and walked over to me. I reached for it, but she moved her hand back. "Why do you need this?"

I couldn't just tell her that I was going to look up a girl, it would only make things worse. "Um." I spat out, "You remember Zak from my team."

She nodded.

"Well he asked me to send him a few pics of himself from high school, because he never bought a yearbook." I lied, sheepishly.

She seem to gaze off into space, probably deciding whether to believe me, or not."Alright here you go!" she gave in.

I grabbed them for her."Thanks, babe!" I beamed. I was about to kiss her, but I heard a tire screech on the driveway and the garage open.

Ronda must of heard it too, because she started to freak out. "Okay, lets go! Out, out, out!" she ordered, as she pushed me towards her window.

This isn't the first time I came to see her when nobody was home, so I knew what to do. There was a huge tree by her room and it had a tire swing attached to it. I got on the edge of the roof and stepped on one of the branches, as I balanced my self with another branch above. Then, I grab onto the rope from the tire swing and slid down it.

"Okay, toss the book down one-by-one!" I scream-whispered. She did as told and I successfully got the books without a scratch. "Bye!" she called.

"Bye, Ron-" I started, but I thought I heard the front door handle jiggle. Before I knew it, I bolted down the street, running for my dear life. Her dad hates me and he is scary as hell!

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