Chapter Six: To Tutor, Or Not To Tutor

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"How much time do we have left?" Jesse mumbled in his arms, with his head rested down.

I picked up my new Galaxy S5 and pushed the power button,"It's ten till two. We have thirty-five more minutes to go, until we're free." I answered. He groaned loudly in response and lifted his head up.

"What's up, with you?" he asked, when he noticed the grumpy look on my face.


"Come on, something is definitely up!" He pushed at again.

I rolled my eyes. "You're my problem."There I said it! I finally said it!

He raised an eyebrow. "Really? You're still mad about the detention thing."

"Not only that, but something you did a few years ago!" I explain and crossed my arm's.

He scrunched his forehead in confusion. "What? I've never met you before!"

I scold my eyes at him. He just pissed me off even more. "You know what? Let's just drop it!" I declared and turned to face the other wall.

"Whatever." I heard him mumbled. Wow! What impressive vocabulary skills, he possesses. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to the wall. I went from poster, to poster reading each word.

- I ♥ Reading

- Read with your imagination

- Sign up to give a school tour




Oh, my God! I forgot to make up my Duhur prayer.I always make it up when I arrive home but I'm stuck here in the library. I abruptly stood up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Jesse wondered.

"To the library." I sarcastically said.

"Wait, what? Aren't we already in-" he started, but I already ran out the door. I took a left at the water fountain and trudged up the stairs to the second floor. I made on last left turn, and I arrived at his room.

"Mr.Hasan." I said, knocking on the door.

"Yes! Oh, Maryam, what are you doing here?" he questioned, once he looked up from grading papers.

"Um, I need to make up my Dhuhr prayer and I was wondering if I could go home early." I nervously asked.

He looked like he was about to give in, but his facial expression changed. "Haha, nice try, you almost got me there!" he laughed and removed a rug from beneath his desk."Here you can use my rug."

I grabbed it from his hand and nodded my head. "Th-Thank you." I vaguely said, pissed off that my plan to go home early didn't work.

Oh, this guy is good!

"You're welcome. I'll come for it, after your detention is over." he informed, continuing his grading.

I turned to leave. "Alright."

I arrived at the library and walked passed Jesse to head to the back. I need to find a more quiet, less distracting area. "Where are you going, now?" Jesse asked, looking up from his phone.

"To go pray. So please keep quiet, and don't interrupt me." I nicely said.

I walked to the back of the library, where all the encyclopedias are and settled there. I didn't break my Wudu, so there was no need to do it again. I placed the mat down and removed my navy-blue Converse High-tops and placed it to the side.

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