Three: Deep breaths

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Deep breaths kenma, you can do this just tell kuroo you think you have feeling for Bokuto and Akaashi. Just make sure you tell him you still like him. He'll understand, he always does.
Kenma and kuroo walk into their dorm room. Kenma hangs his bag up then goes to sit on the couch only sitting by himself for a few moments before kuroo sits next to him
"Hey kozu, you look tired, long day?" Kuroo put his arm around kenma's shoulder.
Kenma shakes his head yes
"There's something I need to talk to you about, you wanna talk about it tonight or tomorrow?"
"We can talk about it tonight" kenma was hoping it was a good talk.
Kuroo gives kenma a smile, kenma returning a small one back
"So, you know how I spend a lot of time around Bokuto.. and Akaashi?"
"Well I," Kuroo seems nervous.
Kuroo sighs
"I think I have a.. uh crush? On them. Don't get me wrong I still love you too but I like them too and you don't have to say you do too, to make me feel better. I just think-" Holy shit, this is happening.
"Kuroo-" kuroo was completely lost in thought and worry
"I think it's important to tell you this because it good to communicate with your partner and please don't hate me-"
"Tetsurō!" He was getting into his head again.
Kuroo stops talking
"I- I do too"
"What?" Kuroo seemed really confused. He probably wasn't expecting this reaction.
"I like bokuto and akaashi too"
Kenma could feel his stomach twist, he was surprised he was even able to say that
Kuroo looks at kenma with shock- no relief, maybe?
"Kenma i'm so happy that your not pissed."
Kenma smiled, hearing that from his boyfriend made him feel so much better. Kenma leans into kuroo, wrapping his arms around him.
"I love you kenma" No matter how long their dating, these words will always make kenma smile.
Kenma looks up at him, kissing his wonderful bofriend. This wasn't a mistake, Kuroo was the best boyfriend he could ask for .

The next day

Kenma wakes up, wrapped in blankets with kuroo on his phone next to him
"Good morning" kenma says, startling kuroo a bit
"goodmorning kozu! Did you sleep well?"
"Uh, yeah? I didn't sleep any worse than I usually do"
"That's good, bokuto is coming over today, and possibly akaashi is that okay with you?" Kuroo had a bit of worry in his voice
"Yeah, are we telling them today or-?"
"I was thinking we could talk about it a bit more then we'll tell them, is that good?"
" Yeah that's okay, as long as you and bokuto don't sing agian" Kenma rolls his eyes
"Oh c'mon you know you love it~" kuroo had a huge smile on his face.
"I don't" A smile was forming on kenma's.
"You totally do"
Kenma gets up from bed, heading to the kitchen to get water.
At least I don't have to go through the stress of telling them today. As long as Kuroo doesn't accidentally tell them, whenever he tells one person he tells everyone
"Hey Kenma! Bokuto and Akaashi will be here in 15 minutes so, get ready"
What time is it? I just got up 30 minutes ago
He checks the time
Shit, it's 1:45 I should probably get ready for the day anyways
Kenma gets the water, then walks back to his and Kuroo's room. He puts the water down then gets dressed, pulls his hair into a bun, then goes and lays back next to Kuroo.
"Can I have a goodmorning kiss?" Kuroo loved getting kisses.
Kenma gives kuroo a kiss, before the doorbell rings
"That must be Bokuto"
Kuroo gets up and runs to the door, kenma following not far behind. Once kuroo gets to the door he unlocks it letting the two boys inside
"Hey, Kuroo!!"
Bokuto looks behind kuroo
"Oh! Hello kenma!" He must have not noticed me before
Kenma gives a slight smile in return
Deep breaths kozume it's no different than seeing them any other time except now your boyfriend knows you like them, he won't slip up, will he?

Word count: 665

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