Twenty: We'll go down in history

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Possibly another long one? I'm definitely not pushing the latino kuroo agenda wdym? Also I've been going through a severe Resident Evil brainrot, help

Koutarou POV:

1 year after the wedding

11:00 PM
"Keiji, are you coming to bed?" I asked him. "You've been working on that for a while. You should take a break and sleep."
He answered me without looking up. "I'm almost done, go to bed. I'll be there soon."
I grabbed his chin and made him look at me. "Don't overwork yourself." I gave him a peck on the lips. "I love you."
"I love you too Kou."
I headed back upstairs to go lay with the other two.
"Is he coming?" Kozume asked me.
I let out a sigh. "Said he was almost done. I just hope he doesn't overwork himself you know?"
"Yeah, i'm worried about him."
I walked past him and threw a pillow at Tetsurou. Who was face down on the bed. "Ow! What was that for?" He rolled over.
"You're in my spot!" I jumped onto the bed and we wrestled around for a bit.
He eventually got the jump on me and pinned me down to the bed. "I win."
"But did you?" I grabbed his hand and used my strength to flip him back over. "Who is underneath who now?"
He rolled his eyes and gave me a kiss. "I guess you." He laughed as I got off him.
Kozume jumped in between us. "You two are so stupid." He looked on the other side of Tetsurou. "Move away from the edge so when Keiji comes to bed he can lay there."

I woke up to my alarm for practice. I still wasn't sure how Kozume and Tetsurou slept through it. After my eyes adjusted I looked at the other 3- 2? Keiji wasn't in bed. I got dressed real quick and went down to Keiji's office.
I found him passed out on his desk, glasses still on and everything. "Keiji?" I shook him. He must've been real tired because he didn't even move. So i resorted to carrying him back to bed. When I got up there I put him on the other side of Kozume, I placed a kiss on his forehead and left.

Everyone was at practice on time, exept for Atsumu. He was always late. It's weird because him and Kiyoomi live together.
"It sucks that he's overworking himself, but it's so cute that you carried him back into bed. It's like your his Prince Phillip." Atsumu said to me. "I wish my boyfriends loved me enough to do that." He put a hand on his head dramatically.
Kiyoomi kicked him in the shin. "Maybe if you weren't such a baby we would."
"Koutarou, I'd suggest making him go to bed." Meian started. "Not like dragging him, but shut his laptop or whatever and carry him to the bed. That way it's making his brain take a break."
I thought about it for a minute. "I guess that makes sense. I'll try that tonight if he's working a whole lot again."
"I wish I could do that with Kei. Some nights he's up super late. Unfortunately, because of our height difference, his legs would probably drag on the floor." Shoyo said.
Behind me I heard the door open. "Kou, you left your energy bars or whatever at home." Kozume told me. "I'm gonna leave them here on the bench."
"Kozume!" Atsumu and Shoyo yelled. "Why don't ya stay for a bit?" The whole team loved when any of my Husbands came to practice.
Kozume sighed with a smile on his face. "I can for a bit, but I have other stuff I have to do so I can't stay for too long."
Shoyo's face lit up. "You should try to set to one of us. You can see if you still have your setting skills!"
Kozume stared in shock for a minute. "I mean, I guess I can try. But I doubt I'm any good."
He walked onto the court. Meian grabbed a ball. "Here it comes!"
Kiyoomi got first touch, and got it right to Kozume. "Kozume, Left!" I yelled
He set it to Shoyo with the same precision he had in high school.
"Kozume! What gives, I called for it!" I yelled at him.
He shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, but I like Shoyo more." He said with a laugh.
My mouth hung open. "You're literally married to me!"
"I mean," Atsumu started "I don't blame him."
"You shut up!"
Kozume rolled his eyes and walked over to me. "I should go now. I gotta go somewhere with Keiji." He gave me a kiss. "Bye."
"You guys are so cute! I wish my boyfriends did stuff like that. They just call me a fuckin' idiot and walk away." Atsumu said.
"You are an idiot though?" Kiyoomi spoke for the first time this practice.
Atsumu flipped him off. "Fuck you."

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