fourteen: hospital

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Bokuto POV:

It's not that i don't want things to be okay. I just can't forgive him yet.
"Tetsurou, you yelled at me." I turned and looked at him.
Kozume looked up at Tetsurou and asked him something. Tetsurou nodded his head.
"Kou, sense Tetsurou can't say it, i will." He took a deep breath "You have sisters, right?" I nodded my head. "And you care about them. Now, kuroo has a sister too. He cares about her. And his sister, She's sick. Kuroo isn't truly upset at you, he's upset at that."
My heart dropped. His sister is sick. I was an asshole and his sister is sick. I couldn't imagine how i'd feel if that was one of my sisters.
I looked at kuroo. He didn't even look mad. "Yua is sick?" When we were younger she always used to cook the best food for us. "Oh, Tetsurou, love, I'm so sorry" I walked over to him and hugged him. "I can't stay mad at you."
"I should be the one apologising. I shouldn't have yelled." We stood there. I didn't want to stop hugging him. I want to stay there until his sister is better. Until everything is better.

Next week

"Where's she staying at?" Keiji asked.
"My mom said some hospital on x street."
We've been in the car for way too long. I'm so glad we're almost there. But i'm not sure how well kuroo is going to handle seeing his sister. Especially when she's not going to look so good.

In the hospital

"There's mom." We walked up to the door. He gave his mom a hug. "How's she doing?"
She took a quick glance inside. "Not much better, but not worse either."
He turned and looked at us. "I'm gonna go in and talk to her for a bit. I'll come and get you when i'm done."
We 3 sat outside the room for about 30 minutes before the door to her room opened.
"Hey guys," Kuroo walked out in front of us. "She wants to meet you 3"
We all followed him into the room. At the sight of Yua i almost cried. She was so pale and she doesn't have the same sparkle in her eyes.
"Hey." She forced a smile but it didn't look very happy. "It's been so long sense i've seen you" She pointed at Kozume. "And you" She pointed at me. "I can't believe Tetsurou is dating both of you. That's pretty fucking cool." Even though Yua was sick, she hadn't changed.
she looked at keiji. "I recognize you. You were on the same team as koutarou right?"
"Yeah i was, I was the setter." He smiled at her.
"What was your name?"
"Akaashi, Akaashi Keiji."
"Keiji! That's right. I always liked your name. I thought it was nice." She turned her attention back towards Tetsurou "You really scored big with these boyfriends. I'm glad you're happy."
Kuroo had tears swelling in his eyes again. He bent down and gave his sister a hug.
"I love you and i miss you." He smiled at his sister.
"I'm going to beat this for you, Tetsurou. I won't let myself die just yet."

The Kuroo's House

It was getting late so we decided to stay at Tetsurou's old house for the night. I was exited to see his old room again. His mom said she hadn't done anything to it and it looked exactly the same. I was so ready to mess with him about all the posters on the wall.
"I want to be the first one to see your old room" Keiji told him.
Tetsurou didn't say anything, he just laughed at how exited we all were to see his old room.

"Tetsurou, You used to like Limp Bizkut?!" I Laughed at the poster. "And you never told me?"
His room had tons of posters on the wall. Most of them must've been newer, the last few years of highschool i never got the chance to go to his house.
"Dude, we have so many memories here!" Kozume jumped onto the bed.
"Damn, I feel a little left out. I'm the only one who's never been here before." Keiji laughed and sat next to Kenma.
"Hey, y'know what? You may not have been here when i was 18 but you're here now, thats good enough for me." Kuroo put his arm around Keiji's shoulder.
"You know what we haven't done in a while," They all looked at me "We haven't just talked, like how we use to tell stories about when we were teenagers."
"That's true, maybe we should do that. It could lighten the mood"
"I have a pretty good one!" I've been meaning to find a way to tell- well i guess now show them all this.
"Alright Kou, go ahead." Kozume always seemed so interested in what i have to say.
"Alright, so when i was new to college i got really bored. I was trying to find new ways to express myself i guess. So, instead of spending the money i made from my job on actual decent food, not ramen and mac and cheese, I spent it on tattoos." Keiji seemed the most shocked by this.
"Kouratou, you have to show us!" He seemed so exited to see them.
"Alright," I had to take off my shirt. Most of them were on my back or around there. "I have a lot."
I pointed them all out. I started with the smallest one, which is a little mushroom on my left shoulder blade. Then i went to the one on my lower stomach, it was a dancing skeleton. "The biggest was a whole bunch of stars, which started at my hip and once they hit my arm they like scatter over my back and chest.
"Yeah the star one hurt like a bitch to get." I smiled at them all.
Tetsurou's jaw was wide open. "How could you not have told us this earlier! That's so cool!" He got up to look at all the stars. "How long did this take?"
"um," I had to think, it'd been a while sense i got the tattoo. "I think it took like 8-ish hours. Not including breaks."
"Holy shit." Keiji seemed surprised.
Kozume had a story to tell next. "I think i may have told you this tetsurou, but when i was like 13 i realized i was trans. And obviously i couldn't transition because my parents are shit, as you've all seen. So i asked them if i could cut my hair, because my long hair was 'too hard to heal with'. So we went to the barber and i told her i wanted short hair. So she got out the electric razor and shaved one side of my head. And i kid you not, my mother literally screamed. Not at anybody specific but she was horrified. Obviously i couldn't have one side of my head shaved so she had to do it all. And that's how i got my first trans haircut." He was smiling so big.
Tetsurou couldn't think of any stories to tell so it's Keiji's turn. "So my story also kind of doubles as Kouratous too" oh no, i know where this is going. "So when we were, what 16? Our team had to go play out of town and it took too long to get there if we went day of so we went the day before and stayed in a hotel. They put us two to a room and they let us pick who we'd share with. So of course Kou and i stayed in a room together. And at like 9:30 at night he just comes up to me and asks me if he could kiss me. Course i say yes, because i liked him. So he kisses me and everything is well, until he tripped over a shoe, and fell over near the window. He attempted to use the curtains to stop himself from falling but they just fall on top of him too. I never told anyone because he sworn me to secrecy but i suppose this could be an acception."
I already knew i was bright red, i had almost forgot about that story.
"Damn kou, you had those sick moves huh?" Kozume tried to sound serious but he started laughing halfway through.
"In my defense, that shoe came out of nowhere!" i started laughing too. We're finally back to normal.


A happy ending?! Whoa bro. I was gonna make this a lot more sad, but i didn't want to be too mean.

Word count: 1432

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