fifteen: Happy birthday

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Requested by Fru1tyZ

I apologise for the mass amount of chapters that are Keiji's POV i just really like writing him.

Keiji POV:

We got home from Tokyo around 9 a.m. None of us really wanted to go anywhere. Being busy for a whole weekend isn't all that fun, and it would just make us even more stressed. Though one of the better things about the trip is that i got to go through Kuroo's old box of posters. Some of them were even unopened. He just happened to have an original Scream poster, so i took that right away.
"Hey Tetsurou, Kouratou, one of you come here!" I was looking for a spot to put the poster in our room and i found the perfect one. But i couldn't reach it. I heard the door creak open and it was Tetsurou. "Hey can you reach this?" I pointed at it.
"You do realize i'm not that much taller than you." He grabbed the poster.
"Yeah, but it's worth a shot." I shrugged my shoulders.
He tried to reach it, but even on his tip-toes he couldn't. "Well shit, now what do we do?"
"I have an idea" I smiled, this was stupid. "What if i sit on your shoulders?"
He put one hand on his forehead and laughed. "Y'know, Fuck it."
He sat on the floor and i put my legs on his shoulders.
"Thank god for volleyball, or else i wouldn't even be able to stand up." He laughed and stood up. Luckily i was paying attention to the ceiling or else my head would've banged right into it.
"Alright, give me the poster." I grabbed it and put it right in the spot, right before i started to loose my balance. "I'm gonna fall onto the bed!" I laughed and let go of Tetsurou. Though me falling must've brought him down with me. We both came crashing down on the bed, laughing.
"Keiji i love you, but that was the stupidest idea you've had in a while!"
I crawled across the bed so i was closer to him. "I'm not sure that's the stupidest, maybe the most fun though!" I started giving him quick little kisses.
We layed there for a bit before i decided to get up and go get something to eat.

The next Morning.

I woke up and noticed it looked lighter than what it normally does. I checked my phone and it's 10:15. Well shit. I hopped out of bed and went to go see where the hell the others went to. I walked into the living room and someone picked me up and threw me over their shoulder.
"What the hell?" I looked to see who was holding me. "Kouratou?! What're you doing?" He brought me to the kitchen and put me down. There was Kozume and Tetsurou, with a birthday cake and there was a cake with big 22 candles on it. I didn't even know it was my bithday to be honest.
They all started singing happy birthday. At the end i blew out my candles, I wished that we'll never separate.
"It took you long enough to finally turn 22, Keiji" Kenma always held it over my head that he was older than me, It was like routine at this point.
"Shut up" I laughed.
"Okay so, about your gift.." Kouratou laughed "We all kind of forgot. So, for right now we came up with, we all put lipstick on and we get to place a kiss on our favorite part of your face."
I giggled at them, I'm not upset they didn't get me anything. I don't expect anyone to. But this present may be one of the better ones. "Sounds good to me."
Kozume started. He studied my face for a minute. Then he kissed my dimples.
"I love when you smile." He stared at me for a moment, pushed my glasses up and moved away.
Tetsurou was next, he must've been thinking about this for a bit because he didn't hesitate even for a minute. He kissed me on the lips.
"I stare at them a lot" He laughed "Happy birthday keiji."
Kouratou was the last one, i don't think he'd fully made up his mind yet. He ended up kissing my cheek.
"I don't really have a good explination like the other two. I just think they make you look handsome."
I knew i was bright red. "I love you all."
Before i wiped the lipstick off, even though i didn't want to. We took tons of pictures, just like we do on everyone's birthday. ( i real quick just wanted to mention that their birthdays go in order. Bokuto - September, Kenma- October, Kuroo- November, Akaashi- december. I think that's so cute)
"And later today we're gonna take you to whatever store you want and buy you whatever you want!" Tetsurou seemed super exited for this.

We were all sitting around, I was on the couch and Kozume was sitting next to me.
"Hey keiji?"
"You wanna hear a fun little story?" I loved it when he told me stories. "So even though i dated kuroo first. You were actually the first one in the relationship i had a crush on."
This was a shock to me "Seriously?"
"Yeah, Kuroo and i started officially dating my second year. Though in my first year, when we played Fukurodani. I kid you not, when i saw you i literally turned to kuroo and said 'Damn, he is hot!'"
I literally threw my head back and laughed. "Dude!"

We were on our way to the mall now. I was going to drive, though Tetsurou said that because it was my brithday i shouldn't have to do any work. We pulled up to the mall and there weren't many people there, considering it's a Monday.
"Alright keiji, where are we going first?" We all stepped out of the car.
I knew exactly where i wanted to go. "Barnes and Noble"
I love going to Barnes and Noble because it's not just books. Theres so much other stuff to look at. And there's a cafe!
I headed over to the Mystery books. I needed to buy the 2nd book to the Good Girl's Guide to Murder series. Kozume came with me while the other two were looking at cards.
"I don't think I've ever been in here." He seemed to like all the cat themed things. "It's kind of cool, all the different stuff."
"That's the main reason i like it here so much. Though with college i haven't got the chance to come here that much."
I looked around for a bit longer and ended up with three books, Good girl bad blood, Radio Scilence, and No longer human.
"How about we go to some other stores? We don't get the chance to come to the mall that often so maybe you guys should get something too." I hated to be the only person who got anything.
"Sense we're right next to it, can we go to hot topic? I want an invader zim hat." I think the only reason we ever go there is for Kozume to get invader Zim things.
Koume went and looked around. Kou and i like to laugh at some of the really stupid shirts.
"Keiji, oh my god!" He pointed at a shirt. "It's a fucking Edward shirt!"
Someone came up behind me and shook me, it was Tetsurou. "Dude look, i found a FNAF plushie."
Bokuto was practically jumping up and down next to me. "I have to get it! It's even bonnie!"
"Wow Tetsurou, you better get that for him," Kozume was here now too. "And i found what i wanted." He held it up for us to see. He got a knitted Gir hat and a belt that hooked like a seatbelt.
The next store we headed to was Zumiez. Kuroo needed new wheels for his skateboard. My feet were starting to hurt so i sat on their suprisingly comfy couch. Kozume must've wanted to look at some of their stuff cause he kept walking around.
"Hey keiji," Kou sat next to me. "I hope this is a good birthday. We all thought pretty hard about it."
"Are you kidding, this is the best birthday ever!" I looked around and gave him a quick kiss. "I love this, i get to spend a whole day with my boys!"
After we left Zumiez we had one more place to go, the music store. As we were walking, we ran into a familiar face.
"Kuroo, Kenma!" It was Yaku, and Lev.
"Hey guys! I didn't know you were in town." They walked over to us.
"Yeah well we were coming to visit you guys. But This idiot," He pointed to Lev
"wanted to go to the mall first." I noticed they were holding hands, were they dating? "But i guess we still got to see you guys. Anyways what brings you to the mall?"
Kozume pointed at me "It's his birthday." I smiled at them.
"Oh! Then happy birthday, uh" Lev looked at me "Sorry, i recognize you but i can't remember your name."
"That's right! Happy Birthday Akaashi." Lev is still the same as he was in highschool.
"So," Kuroo started "Are you two finally dating?"
Yaku furrowed his eyebrows "What do you mean finally?"
"Well it was kind of obvious that you liked eachother." Kenma laughed.
"Mhm, sure. What about you two? Are you still dating?" Lev asked.
"Yeah, and we're also dating" Kuroo gestured to kou and I "Them too."
"Oh, so it's like that polyamory thing right? That's pretty fucking cool." He looked at me "Though how in the hell did you pull him?!" Yaku looked astonished.
"Oh fuck you!" Kuroo laughed and hit Yaku on the head.
They talked for a bit longer before we continued on.
We made it to the music store and Kou ran towards the records. "Can you guys help me look for a mitski one? I don't care what album."
We searched for a bit before Tetsurou found one "Hey kou here's one, and it's the Be the Cowboy album."
"Ooh!" Kou is really passionate about the music he likes.

We all got back in the car.
"Thank you guys for the best birthday ever."


I needed to add something with YakuLev because i love them
anyways this was fun

Word count: 1720

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