thirteen: together, but what if not forever

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AN: kind of angst so L you guys also anything thats mentioned about any of their siblings is completely made up

Kenma POV:

It's the weekend, finally. Even though i didn't go to any classes yesterday, this week has been so long. I think we've all been stressed out. Especially Kouratou, he has a really big game next week and he's been really stressing over it.
"Did he seriously just take Finney in bright light? How has be not been caught yet?" We're watching the black phone. "I mean seriously!" Bokuto did not seem very happy about this. He kind of continued to ramble on, i think he was analyzing the movie.
"Christ koutarou! Do you ever shut up!" I turned my head and looked at Tetsurou, he actually looked...upset.
"...What?" I could see the tears swelling in his eyes. Bokuto never took well to being yelled at.
"You're just always fucking talking."
"Kuroo, enough. You're stressed, we all are. Lay off." Keiji's voice was more stern.
I wasn't really sure what to say so i grabbed Bokuto's hand and brought him into our bedroom. I know how kuroo is and if i don't do something, it's going to turn into a really bad argument. I sat bokuto down on the bed. A few tears had already fallen. "Oh, Kou, I'm so sorry" I pulled him in for a hug. He just cried into my shoulder for a few minutes.
"What if he leaves?" He sat up and looked at me. "What if he leaves us?" Bokuto has always had fears that someone would leave him.
"koutarou, I promise he won't. He's just...stressed, really really stressed." I had my hands on his shoulders. I didn't know what else to say. I don't think he fully believes me.
About 20 minutes after this Keiji walked into the room. "Hey kou, how're you doing?" He gave him a quick kiss on the forehead.
"Keiji, sense you're here, i'm going to go talk to Tetsurou." I gave bokuto one last hug then walked out.
I found Tetsurou in the kitchen. He was looking out the window. "Hey." I walked over and stood next to him. "What's going on?"
"What?" He looked down at me.
"You don't just yell at people for no reason. What happened?"
He looked down and sighed. "You know my sister, Yua?" I nodded my head. She reminded me of Bokuto a bit. "She's... she's sick."
"Oh. Oh my god Tetsurou." I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I know how much she means to you."
"Yeah" His voice broke. "Yeah, and you know i'm really scared, because i'm not sure how to do anything if my sister's gone. I can't loose her. I can't. And i feel really shitty about what i said to kou. He just reminds me of how she used to be."
"Then go tell him that." I grabbed his hand. "Then we can sit on the couch and... i don't fucking know, eat a shit ton of food and talk about how shitty life is."
Kuroo walked over to the room koutarou was in. As he opened the door i noticed that bokuto had stopped crying. Keiji must've found a way to take his mind off of Tetsurou.
"Hey kou," He tried to smile. "I'm so sorry, and you don't have to forgive me. I have other problems going on and i shouldn't have taken it out on you." Bokuto didn't move. He just looked at Kuroo.

He got up and walked right past him.


Sorry for the short chapter and the cliffhanger. This was my first actual proper angst chapter so yeah. Be sad.

Word count: 610

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