Movie Night

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akaashi pov:

It's only been a few hours sense what we've labeled "the incident" has happened. It would've taken me a lot longer to calm down if it wasn't for my boyfriends. They are the best people i've ever met, honestly.
"hey kashi." Kenma had walked into the room. "How are you doing?"
"A lot better thanks to you guys." This was a genuine awnser, He was doing a lot better.
"I'm so glad, you had me a bit worried." Kenma layed his head on my shoulder. "I'm just glad your okay."
Akaashi didn't realize it but he had a huge smile on his face.
"What're you smiling at?" Kenma asked sounding a bit confused.
"I'm just, glad to have people who care about me." I moved my head to look at Kenma. I then cupped my hand on his face, pulling him in for a kiss. "You are the best boyfriend i could ask for."

2 hours later - 8:00 P.M.

We hadn't planned to all be over at my apartment tonight, though my boyfriends thought it'd be better if they stayed with me for the night. Sense we had nothing better to do, we thought it could be fun to have a movie night.

"But i haven't watched how to train your dragon in forever! Why can't we watch that?" Bokuto yelled at kuroo.
"Because, Spider-man is so much better!"
They had been arguing like this for a few minutes now, those two could never decide on anything.
"But you always pick and how to-" Bokuto was cut off by a quick kiss on the lips by kuroo. This obviously shocked bokuto for a minute. Though he got over it and started kissing kuroo again. This quickly escalated and became a full on make out session.
"Okay you two, get a room." I jokingly said to them. This arised a chuckle from kenma. Kuroo looked at me, face flushed from the events before.
"Uh, we're watching how to train your dragon." He and bokuto walked over to the couch and sat next to Kenma and I.
I loved having 3 boyfriends, considering that i'm usually extremely cold. So when im around them they warm me up.
About halfway through the movie i caught kuroo staring at me.
"What are you staring at?" I half whisper
"I guess it's because you're just, really handsome." At this comment, i could feel the blood rush to my face. I wasn't 100% sure what to say so instead i kissed him. Immediately after i pulled away he had a huge smile on his face.
"What's with the stupid smile?" I asked
"Thats, uh the first time i've got the chance to kiss you"
I hadn't realized this, but he was right. I decided to meet him with another one.

11:35 PM

It turns out that all the arguing bokuto and kuroo did was for nothing, because we watched spider-man anyways. Though by this point Kuroo and Bokuto were both already asleep. I've always loved how cute Bokuto looks while sleeping, he just looks very peaceful. Kenma was playing a game on his switch while i watched. Neither of us had really been watching the movie.

I realized i had a crush on Kenma before i did kuroo. He just has such pretty eyes and he's really sweet to me. Kenma isn't too much shorter than me though i still have a few inches on him. I've always liked to joke with him about using him as an armrest.
"Akaashi?" Kenma scared me a bit.
"I'm getting a bit tired, and it's kind of cold so is it okay if we.. cuddle?" Kenma sounded so nervous while saying this, like i was going to get upset.
"oh, yeah! i'm actually a bit cold myself." I smiled at kenma.
Unfortunately we're on the couch so there's not much room. Though we found a way.

I never thought my life would be this good, though somehow i hit the jackpot and got 3 of the best boyfriends in the world.

AN: sorry for the lack of akaashi and bokuto interacting. I just wasn't sure how to write him in. Though there will be more of him next chapter so yippie.

Word count: 716

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