sixteen: I don't need them

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Let's ignore the fact i made them a bit younger than i said they were. I realized that Bokuto and Tetsurou were getting to the point where they'd be out of college so i have to bring their ages back down

Kenma POV:

loosely based off a texting video i saw a while back made by Yuki X on youtube

Every friday i go live on Twich and every Wednesday i post some sort of video on youtube. I usually record the videos on Saturday or Sunday though. Last weeks youtube video was a Q&A. And many people were wondering whether i had a partner or not. I may have made a slight mistake by saying "maybe i do" and now people are freaking out. So for this weeks i was thinking of introducing all of them to my followers. I just haven't thought of how to bring it up to them.
"Alright guys, breakfast is ready!" I loved the weekends, because Kouratou always made us breakfast and it's the best. "And this time, i've made french toast!"
"Kouratou, i love you. French toast is the best!" I went and gave him a hug.
"Why do you think i made it?" He smiled at me.
"Ewwww!" Kuroo sounded like a grossed out 3rd grader. "That's disgusting!" Him anf Keiji started laughing.
I flipped them off "You guys suck" there was a bit of laughter in my voice.

"Guys, i have a question for you." we weren't doing anything, so i thought it was the right time to ask.
"Ask away"
"Okay so, on my last youtube video, i did a Q&A. And a lot of people asked me things about my partners. And i was wondering if you guys would be willing to do a video about uh, us? Though i should warn you, there'll probably be a bunch of haters and a lot of publicity. So if any of you don't want to do it, let me know."
Nobody said anything, I assume they were thinking.
"I'd be willing to do it." Bokuto said.
Tetsurou looked like he was going to say something but he stopped. "Uh," He thought again for a moment. "I'll do it, but i'm probably going to be super awkward on camera." He laughed a bit.
"Keiji?" He was still sitting there.
He jumped a bit. "Oh shit, i'm sorry i zoned out." He smiled "Uh, i'm not so worried about being on camera. I'm just scared that someone will find our accounts and like find personal stuff about us, y'know?"
"I'll private my accounts before the video goes out if it makes you feel better?" Tetsurou offered.
"Me too!"
"And i'll private my personal account" I shrugged.
He smiled an actual smile. "Thanks guys, if you'll do that then yeah. I'm fine with it."

I had all my stuff set up. It took longer than usual because i had to move everything around to fit 4 people. So now my microphone was sitting on a chair, and my laptop was a bit farther back than normal. Then i ran through the basis of what we're gonna do with the other three.
"Okay so i'm gonna start with my basic intro. Then i'll have you guys come in and sit down, i'm not going to say you're my boyfriends right away though, i'll wait until later in the video. You guys can introduce yourselves. Somewhere in there i'll mention you're my boyfriends. Then, i have a thing people can join if they pay and i may have hinted to them that i have a partner so they left some things for us to try. So i might awnser some of those too."
"Okay then." Kuroo looked a tad bit nervous about being on camera.
I walked up to him and put my hand on his face. "Hey, you'll do fine. Anything you say that you probably shouldn't can be edited out anyways." I gave him a kiss and i could feel him relax a bit. "Basically what i'm saying is you can't fuck up"
He laughed "You have a real way with words."

"Hi, welcome everyone. As you can see there's 3 other chairs. So today's video is going to be...a little different. I have some special guests, and i'll bring them in, in a minute. Real quick i'd like to say, sorry for the lack of gaming video's recently. Everything should be normal by next week. Anyhow, let's have them come in." I turned around and watched them all walk in. Bokuto and kuroo sat down. But Keiji was walking over to sit in his chair on the other side of me and he tripped over the leg. Lucky for him i was quick enough to grab his hand.
"Jesus keiji." Kou was looking over
I pulled him back up. "I may have to edit that out of the video, but i'm definitely saving this to a different file."
"Man you must really love me." He laughed.
"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, back to the video." I looked back at the camera. "How about you guys introduce yourselves, starting with you" I pointed to Tetsurou.
"I'm Tetsurou and uh," He looked at me. "What else do i say."
I thought for a minute. "You could say your pronouns, sexuality how old you are?"
"Oh ok, I'm Tetsurou, I go by He\him and i'm Bisexual. i'm 23, yay." He gave an awkward smile.
"I'm Koutarou and i play college volleyball. And i'm 23."
They skipped over me and went to Keiji. "Hello, I'm Keiji, and i work for a shonen manga magazine company. i'm 22."
I looked at all them and then back at the camera. "Alright, sense that's everyone. Let me tell you just exactly who these people are." I took a deep breath. "These are ... my boyfriends. And let me tell you, this is a huge step for this channel and hopefully for me." I grabbed Koutarou and Keiji's hand. "For those of you watching this who don't know, this type of relationship is called polyamory. It's basically when you're dating 2 or more people all at once. Everybody in the relationship has to know about it or else it's considered cheating. And i'm sure theres going to be someone in my comments who says some shit about how 'this is gross' or whatever. And for that person who's pissed off about my life, you can fuck off. I don't need you." Keiji squeezed my hand. "Now that that's out of the way. I may have hinted to the special access people that i had a boyfriend, they just didn't know there were 3. But they left some questions for us to awnser. So thats what we'll be doing for the rest of the video." I had to pull up the right screen to see the questions.
"Kozume?" Kuroo leaned down so he could see me. "These questions aren't going to be weird, right?"
I looked over at him. "If they are i'll just skip them" I shrugged
I read the first question out loud "Are they taller or shorter than you?" I started laughing.
"They're all taller than me. I'm like 5'7 ish. Keiji over here is 6'0, Koutarou is like 6'2 and Tetsurou is 6'3." I stood up and repositioned the camera. "I mean look at this!" i gestured to how much taller they were than me.
"Maybe we're not tall, you just might be short." Tetsurou said in a sly voice.
"Tetsurou, i hate you."
"I love you too!"
I rolled my eyes and scrolled to the next question. "How long have you been dating?"
"Almost 4 months now." Keiji awnsered.
"And that's that, i'm not sure what to add. Next question, Who said i love you first?"
I looked around, i wasn't totally sure myself.
"It was Keiji" Koutaoru started "We had a not so good night and on the way back home he said I love you to all of us."
Keiji turned a bit red. "Well, that is what i felt."
I looked at him and smiled before moving on to the next question. "Who has the most siblings?"
"I think it's Kou and Kozume, right?" Tetsurou looked at us.
"We both have 2, so yeah"
i kind of missed my siblings. "Alright then, next question. Uh, who is the most romantic?"
We all kind of thought about it for a minute. Before Tetsurou said "I actually think it's Kozume? He's always been a sucker for sappy stuff, y'know?" They all seemed to agree with him.
"This is a shock to me" i said "but i guess i am."
"Next question!"
I knew this next one was coming. "Can you guys kiss?" I looked around "I mean we could if you guys are comfortable with that?"
"I don't care either way." Keiji shrugged. The other two murmured in agreement.
"Alright then, who should i start with?" I walked to Tetsurou first.
I bent down "This is the only time you have to bend down to kiss me." I rolled my eyes and kissed him.
I walked to Koutarou next. I took notice in the fact that he liked it when i grabbed his hands to kiss him, so i did just that. When i pulled away, he had a big smile on his face. Last was Keiji. I decided to try something a bit different. I grabbed his glasses and put them on.
"You trying a new look?" He smiled and sat up a bit to kiss me better. Then i put the glasses back on his face.
"How do you two always end up being the cutest ones!" Kuroo had a big smile on his face.
"We're just better" Keiji laughed.
I scrolled to the last question as they talked. "Alright, this is going to be our last one. Who dresses the best?"
Without any hesitation Koutarou awnsered "Tetsurou, I mean he wears these super cool green and brown outfits and they look so good on him!"
"I totally agree with that." I said to him.
"Me too."
Kuroo put his hand on his heart dramatically "I'd like to thank my mother and everyone who helped me along the way." He tried to sound like he was emotional, though it turned into laughter halfway through.
"Alright then" I halfway smiled at the camera. "That's it for this weeks video. Thank you all for coming!" And with that i shut the camera off.


It was time to post the video. I'm not going to lie, i thought about just not posting it a few times but i mustered up the courage to do it. All that was left to do was click the 'post' button. And then the deed was done.
It's been a day sense i posted the video and it's one of the most viewed on my page. Most of the comments were things like 'You guys are so cute!' or 'My favorite is ___'. Though as i was expecting, many were also things like 'this is disgusting!' or something along those lines.
"Hey kozume. How are people taking the video?" Tetsurou sat down next to me.
I looked over at him "People are split down the middle. Some are glad to finally get polyamorous rep, and others think this shouldn't be shown in media. I've also lost a few hundred followers."
"Oh kozu, i'm sorry." He put his hand on my shoulder.
I grabbed his hand and held it. "It's fine, i don't need them anyways."


Another long one. But yeah yippie

Word count: 1910

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