Six: New Experiences

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Although the four were extremely overjoyed because of their new relationship, none of them had ever been in a polyamorous relationship before. This was completely new to all of them. They had to figure out new things and how to act in public. Or how to do things without angering someone else. Bokuto brought up how they were gonna hold hands in public, would they take up the whole sidewalk so all of them could hold hands or would they be in two seperate groups? Akaashi eventually said "Why don't we just not hold hands at all? That seems to be the easiest option considering we're not in a traditional relationship, and so we don't disturb other people trying to walk down the sidewalk." That seemed to make the most sense to all of them so that's what they agreed on. The other problem was, are they gonna have sleepovers occasionally so they all can sleep together and if they do would they have to sleep on the floor so there's enough room for all of them? Eventually Kenma spoke up and said "Why don't we just talk about all this later? I'm honestly tired from school today and i'd rather just lay somewhere and chill.

Kenma pov

I am so glad Bokuto and Akaashi agreed to be in this relationship, I was so worried they would say no then think Kuroo and I were weird then we'd loose two close friends. So i'm very gla-
"I wanna cuddle with Kenma!" Bokuto yelled across the room.
"Jesus Bo, i get you're exited but can you tone it down a bit?" I say to him
"Sorry, I get exited and can't control the volume of my voice." Bokuto frowned a bit.
"No, Bokuto sweetie he's not mad at you just try to think about the volume of you're voice okay?" Akaashi said to him
"oh, okay. Thanks Kashi."
I gesture for Bokuto to come over to cuddle with me and whatever sadness he had completely disappeared. He immedeately ran over and sat right next to me, he but his arm around me. Once he put his arm around me i immedeately got butterflies. I hesitantly put my head on his shoulder, trying to be cautious sense we've never really been this close before. Eventually I get used to him and fully put my head on him. I decide to turn on my swich and start playing Zelda. We stay like that for a while, at some point in there Akaashi and Kuroo join us and we all stay like that, enjoying the moment. Unfortunately we can't stay like this forever, I wish we could because what happens next week will make me never wanna get out of bed again.

An: Hopefully this is okay, I haven't wrote in a while and i also kind of forgot what iv'e already written so if something is wrong I apologise. Make sure to prepare for the angst coming next week, its gonna be sad as shit(hopefully)

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