Seven - fuck off

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Tw: Homophobia, f slur, mention of panic attack

We cuddle for a few hours until Bokuto and Akaashi Have to go home. We were all trying to decide what the best way to say bye was. Akkashi decided to kiss me and kuroo on the cheek. Bokuto was still a bit too shy to do so, so instead he gave Kuroo and I a huge hug. As they walk out he door Kuroo yells ,
"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!!" With a huge smile on his face.
I have never been so happy in one night, course i loved when it was just kuroo and i. Though i love that its all 4 of us now.

9:00 AM Monday Morning

Kuroo and I went to our seperate classes, he has a business class. I have a Video\Photography class. Unfortunately i only have one class that has anyone i really know in it and that's my algebra class. Akaashi and i Have that together. He makes the class a bit more bearable.

1:45 PM Monday Afternoon

It was finally my algebra class, I sat down in my normal seat, waiting for akaashi to show up.
"Hey Kozume!" I hear his voice from behind me.
I smile at him as he walks over to me.
"Hey, how's your day been?" He smiles at me. I love when he smiles at me like that, the crease on the corner of his eyes. The way his lips slightly curl at the edges. He looks so perfect like that.
"Boring, i just want the day to be over with." I say with a sigh
Akaashi doesn't say anything to that which i thought was weird. Instead he held my hand. In my mind i was totally freaking out. His hands were so soft and he has such long and skinny fingers which fit perfectly with mine.

2:35 PM

The class was finally over. After a long 40 minutes we could leave. This was me and Akaashi's last class so we usually went to one of our places.
"Kozume, are you okay with holding hands to my dorm or no?" I loved that he asked to makae sure everyone was comfotable
"Yeah, im okay with it." I smile at him
On our way to akaashi's dorm i hear someone call out his name behind us.
"Hey Kaashi! That you and your boyfriend i always knew you were a fag!"
I could hear Akaashi's breathing start to pick up.
"You just gonna ignore me and go off with your fag boyfriend huh?" He said this one in a more sing-song voice.
"Akaashi its okay just ignore him."
Akaashi didn't say anything but he squeezed my hand tighter. I could hear the guy get closer behind us. Akaashi's breathing was really heavy and i saw a tear run down his face. Just as the guy was right behind us, i heard someone yell.
"Hey dude! Leave them alone why don't ya!" It was bokuto who must've seen us while walking to his next class.
"This doesn't involve you! Get lost Bokuto!"
Bokuto got closer and kind of in the guys face.
"Did you not hear me, I said fuck off." With this the guy spun on his heel and walked away.
"Kaashi, Kenma, are you guys okay?" Bokuto went in front of us and looked at us with tons of concern.
I shook my head yes but akaashi didn't do anything. We weren't that far from his dorm so I brought him there. Bokuto came with us as well.
We got to his dorm and sat him down on his bed.
"Akaashi, it's okay he's gone and we're here." I wasn't really sure how to calm him down so i jaut said that.
Akaashi never really said anything, eventually he just started crying onto my shoulder. Bokuto grabbed his hand and we stayed like that for as long as he needed. We heard a quiet knock on the door and it happened to be kuroo.
"Oh my god, Akaashi are you okay? Bokuto told me what happened."
Akaashi looked up and gave kuroo a really small smile.
Once Akaashi calmed down and stopped crying, he looked at us and said one thing.
"You guys are the best boyfriends ever."

AN: hopefully this was good. uh and the next one will be happier so yippie.

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