A competitive meeting

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"I'm hurt, honestly. Do you think I would have let you known about my presence in the area if I really wanted to do something?" Childe chuckled  as he crosses his arms.

"Yes." I answer with a wide smile as I cross my arms.

"Really now? You think of me that rash, comrade?"

"Well, you love fighting as much as I do. Not to mention, you find more fun in the fight when it is fair. Don't you?" I explain.

"True enough. It appears you have me figured out. I'm starting to think that I need to keep a closer eye on you so I can learn a thing or two more about you." He says with a sly smirk.

"I believe there is a saying they say somewhere in Teyvat that goes "looks aren't everything." So you'll have to do much more then just watch." I shoot back.

"Do I hear a challenge there, Comrade?" 

"Ready for a fight whenever you are!" I yell out as I begin to ready myself for a fight. A white blur with an angry look immediately jumps between us blocking my view of Childe.

"Hey! Paimon is still here! Lumine, you don't have time to fight Mr. Money bags! We were supposed to go fight the Pyro-regisvine and then turn in our commissions to Kathryne!" Paimon shouts to me while stomping her feet in the air like a child.

"Oh yeah, sorry! You're right Paimon!
Sorry Childe! Maybe I can wipe the floor with you next time?" I smile out sheepishly.

"Bold words. Can't wait to see if you back them up though. How about this? I hear you're going to fight the Pyro-regisvine.  I will assist you in this endeavor and afterwards, I will buy us all food."

"Free food! Lumi, we can't pa-"

"Are you sure Childe? You aren't busy? Aren't you still on the search for Scaramouche and the lost Gnosis?"

"No need to worry.  Since we are unable to spar, I can observe just how much more powerful you got as you and I fight the Regisvine. It will give me something to look forward to at least. As for the Balladeer; I'm sure he'll make his appearance somewhere along the lines. You just have to wait for him to come to you." Childe smirks, almost as if he knows just what might happen.

"I don't know..." I sigh out.

"I said stop ignoring Paimon! She is here too! Lumine! He said Free Food! We can't let this opportunity pass us up!" Paimon yells out as she grabs my head to face her with her tiny hands.

"Paimon, I was going to agree to his help. He has hydro capabilities; that will make it easier to take down the Pyro-regivine then all the other times when we've fought it before." I chuckle out.

"Oh, then what was the sigh for?" Paimon asks worryingly.

"Well I have a feeling that when Scaramouche makes another appearance, he will more and likely be up to something again, as all harbinger usually are. In the end, it always appears to be our problem to clean up."

"Hmmm, Paimon sees your point, but let's forget about that for now. Let's just fight for free food!"

"Well it seems like it's decided. Shall we go then, Ojou-chan?"

I flinch at the nickname and gift him a slight smile in response as we start to make our way towards the location of the Pyro-regisvine.

As we walk, we talk happily and poke fun at each other whenever we have the chance while Paimon disappeared into her own pocket dimension, obviously annoyed at being ignored for a while.

We enter the cave after dispatching the two pyro whopper-flowers that guarded the entrance and I come to halt to prepare for the battle we are about charge into.

"What's the hold up, Ojou-chan?"

"I just wanted to make sure we are prepared for the battle ahead." I say as I give my Aquilla Favonia a test swing.

"I'm ready when you are!" Childe smiles out as he summons his Polar Star.

"Right, I just wanted to let you know. I don't think it would be right to...you know, kill the Pyro-regisvine." I say hesitantly.  Knowing how brash he can be, I just want to be on same page as him.

" If that is what you wish, then we shall not kill it but only knock it unconscious. In any case, I believe it's protected by the Adventure's guild. The last thing the Futui want is any major conflict with the Adventure's guild since some of our members post commissions through them. Not to mention the ache of the paperwork...." He trailed off.

I offered a smile and give him a light punch on the shoulder.
I know he hates paperwork and prefers more direct and hands-on work. I can only imagine how painful it might be to be stuck behind a desk all day, handling paperwork with his personality.

"Well since we are on the same page then, let's go kick some Regisvine ass!"

With a wide smile, he nodded a sign of approval.

"Bet I can beat the Pyro-regisvine before you!" I yell out as I run past him, charging towards the site of the fight.

"Oh-ho-ho! Is that a challenge I hear? You're on!" I hear him say as he follows close behind.

I run as fast as I can but due to short legs, he ends up catching up quick. I pick up the pace to match his speed and follow the cave to begin the fight.

Immediately, we both come to a stop though as we are met with the most bizarre sight we have ever seen.

"I-It's gone!" I choke out still in awe from the shock.


I hope you all enjoyed! Not sure if I'll be able to get chapter out in time since this week of work will be pretty busy. I will try my best though! ^_^

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