The Girl in the Cavern

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Childe and I stood mouths agape at the sight. How could the Pyro-regisvine just suddenly disappear?

It just doesn't make sense. Childe said that it was protected by the Adventure's guild, so there is no way anyone would have killed it unless they knew what they were getting into.

On cue, Paimon pops in to view the area, almost as if she heard the conversation.

"H-how could this happen? Paimon is confused. Why would this happen?"

"I don't know Paimon, I don't think-"

"Lumine, look!" Childe interrupts and I immediately look in the direction he is pointing.

There lay a small figure where the Pyro-regisvine would of been. It looked to be a child with blonde hair laying unconscious.

Immediately, I bolted for it. Any thought about the missing Pyro-regisvine faded from my memory, for the child's well being was my first priority.

I hear steps behind me signaling that Childe wasn't far behind doing the same.

When it comes to the well-being of a anyone, I will win any race no matter how fast the person is.

I make it to the child and come to a sliding halt causing me to lay right next to the child as I looked her over.

For starters...she was breathing. Thank the archons. No visible injuries either. Strange.

She had blonde hair that looked kinda like my own adorned by a flower that I've never once seen before in all my time spent in the land of Teyvat. Then again, I haven't visited everywhere that Teyvat has to offer. Perhaps it's not foreign to any of the lands I've been to.
She was wrapped securely in large; what looked like; petals that could have come from the Pyro-regisvine if it wasn't a lit with flames. They covered her like a blanket while underneath, she was completely naked.

As I adjust myself to seat next to her, I lift her upper half up to me to get a better glance for any hidden injuries.

"Is she alright?" Paimon asks next to me as she floats closer to the girl to also get a better look.

"I do not see any injuries, but even then, there might be some that may not be visible to the naked eye." I respond back as calm as I can be.

"Who would do this and just abandon her here, unconscious at that!?" Paimon shouts out almost as if someone had offended her.

"Well from the looks of it, who ever did this might have left her behind after defeating the Pyro-regisvine. Maybe it was a test of survival and she failed?" Childe answered.

"You think so? Paimon is not sure...Who ever did this, don't they know that defeating the Pyro-regisvine comes with consequences? I mean the Adventure's guild won't probably stop tracking them until their brought to justice. Especially if we tell them that they left a child behind in all this."

"That's true. Who ever did this had some guts indeed. That doesn't matter at the moment though. We should take her to Bubu pharmacy." Childe states as he walks up to me and bends down to try and pick up the child within the red petaled blanket.

The moment he does though, the girl begins to stir and peeks open her eyes a bit to look at the both of us.

"Oh? Hey, Are you alright?!" I say a bit shocked that she moved at all.

There and then I thought I saw a glimmer in her slightly opened eyes as she gazed at me and Childe once more.
I shook it off as an after thought immediately as I saw her travel back to unconsciousness with a hum in her voice.

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