New Clothing for Pyro

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*Lumine's POV*

I came back from waving Chongyun, Gouba and Xiangling goodbye to see little Pyro sound asleep on Childe's lap. She looked so at peace with where she was that I couldn't help but crack a light smile.

"Crazy day, eh comrade?" Childe reflects a smile back towards me.

"Crazier then most but Paimon and I have been in and seen worse."

A chuckle escapes me as I sit next to Childe on the bed with the girl still sound asleep on his lap.

"I don't think I've ever had anyone call me daddy before. At least nobody that has ever lived to tell the tale." His eyes are fixed on the child now also. Nothing but more questions seem to rise by the hour with every interaction with Pyro.

Where is she from? Why does she think we are her parents? Why was she in that cavern unconscious and alone? Why Childe and me?

I look towards Childe who has his eyes still fixed on the sleeping Pyro. I can't help but feel a bit bad that he got dragged into this. The only thing I can think of now though is that maybe Zhongli might have an answer to some of this craziness.
To Monstadht is the only way to go!

I don't know if it would be a good idea for Childe to go though. Especially since a certain dark knight hero might not be so fond of the Harbinger's appearance in Monstadht. Let us not forget his icy brother isn't fond of the futui either. In fact the whole lot of Monstadht doesn't care for them kinda like Inazuma. Liyue can tolerate them but they don't care for them either.
They really have caused quite a bit of havoc. Enough havoc to get everyone to hate them so far.
Exactly what is the Tsaritsa's goal that would cause them to go so far enough that it doesn't matter if they are hated by all?

"Childe." I speak up, drawing his attention away from the being on his lap.

"I'm going to take Pyro to Monstadht tomorrow. I don't think it would be a good idea for you to go. In the mean time-"

"I'll meet you there." Childe immediately cuts in making me go speechless for a bit.

"Huh, wait what do you-"

"You were going to tell me to stay behind and look into her more, weren't you, comrade?"

"Well I just-".

"Look, I am a part of this as much as you are now, besides...this seems to be getting more interesting by the minute." He says giving me his usual cheeky smirk.

He doesn't understand. This so irritating. I am just trying to help him from people who have no qualms of starting literal conflict with him because of his occupation.

"Childe, I don't think-"

"Monstadht would love to have me there? I am quite aware of that. There is no fighting me on this, Lumine. I just have a few things to wrap up here. You and Pyro go on ahead and I'll meet you guys there."

I breath out a sigh of irritation but give in. If he really wants to come then let him. He can take care of himself anyways.

I know Childe realizes he has won cause his smile widens a little bit more and he lightly shifts Pyro off of him onto the bed's pillow. Once Pyro's head has securely made it to the pillow he gets up off the bed and make his way to the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask curiously.

"Well, I have to sleep somewhere if I am to get what I need done tomorrow. Unless you would like for me to sleep here with you?" Childe finishes with a sly smirk towards me. "I don't think I would mind that at all, Ojou~chan."

I don't quite understand why, but I could feel heat form in my cheeks from his words. Get yourself together, Lumine! Now's not the time for this! I do my best to shake it off as Childe continues to be Childe again and chuckles at my reaction.

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