Beginning Journey to Mondstadt

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*Lumine's POV*

Wanshu Inn is the next stop on this journey. Before we left, I made sure to stop by the adventurer's guild before we officially left Liyue to inform Kathryne that I will be taking any commissions in Mondstadt now since that was my next destination.
  Paimon made sure to inform Kathryne about any details of what happened, concerning the missing and more-then-likely dead Pyro-regisvine.  Usually I let her do all the talking when it comes down to stuff like this cause she never gives me a chance to state my opinion anyways. Besides, I'm not from here so I assume she knows more about the customs of Teyvat then I do.

Of course it was no issue at all. Kathryne understood firmly and made sure to put in a report to be on the look out for any suspicious personal, and said she'd inform the guild bases in other regions. Once they find the culprit, they will be turned over to the proper authorities. We then left with a wave goodbye for Wanshu Inn.
Wanshu Inn will be our breaking point. Usually we'd walk the whole way there, even through the night, but I don't want to risk Pyro's safety that way. The night can tend to be more dangerous, especially if your drowsy and exhausted.

As soon as we set out on the road,Pyro seemed in awe at all the surroundings. Plants. Fish. The Sun. Animals. Monsters. The battle between me and the monsters. Everything. Her smile shined so brightly at all things we came across. It was almost like she had never seen anything in her life.

It makes me wonder just what kind of amnesia she got if she doesn't remember any bit of the world she lives in but remembers that me and Childe are her parents? We aren't even really her parents! Hopefully Zhongli will be able to provide some kind of answer.

Currently we are near some ruins close to Guili plains. Halfway till we reach Wanshu Inn from Liyue. I noticed Pyro had quieted down after all her excitement. I could only surmise that it was possibly due to exhaustion from walking this much. She might not be used to it. Since we are already halfway there, I don't see an issue at stopping for a short break. Pyro is only still a child. It would take time to adapt to journeys like this.

We both stopped and took our seats in the grass beneath us. She was still quiet even after that and it was starting to eat at me as to what was going on.


She seemed to be broken from some stupor as she jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Are you ok, Pyro? Is something wrong?" Concern is evident in my voice as I wrap her in a light hug.

"It's nothing mom. It's just...this area feels a little funny and it keeps making this odd noise." Pyro says very unsure as she directs her hand to her stomach.

"Oh, that is all. You're just hungry, Pyro. I guess it is about that time we eat some yummy food." I say with a smile. I am relieved. I really thought that something might be wrong but she's just hungry.

"Food! Alright! Lunch time!" Paimon pops out of nowhere shouting.
I can't help but chuckle a bit at her antics.

I get up and summon a portable stove and Paimon begins rummaging through our storage handing me ingredients to a recipe. It wasn't anything too complicated. Sweet flowers and fowl used to make Sweet Madame. As I do this, I can see Pyro look on in curiosity on the corner of my eye. Drool begins seeping from her mouth. I guess it's beginning to smell delicious to her.

I make one sweet madame for us to share and one for Paimon and now it's time to dig in.

Paimon of course dug in without mercy.
Pyro seemed a bit unsure but after a taste she wanted more and ate more then I expected her to.
By the time I finished my portion she was long since done with Paimon.

"Mommy, may I have a second one? It was delicious." She asked with eyes that made it hard to say no.

"Me too, Lumi! I want another too!" Paimon follows up.

I sigh and nod a hesitant "yes" to both. They both cheered happily and spun around.
I guess I should just hope that I don't have another Paimon on my hands.

Thankfully, I don't. Paimon out eats her and even eats Pyro's leftover portions.
It's no wonder that the fairy is so out of shape. All she does is fly and eat and talk.

Once everyone finishes eating, we head back out on the road. Pyro is back to being her cheerful observant self, only this time she's happily chatting with me about everything she sees. Asking questions as to what is what and why certain things can do what others can't.

Day slowly begins to descend into night and the trip has gone by quick while we blissfully chatted away about everything. Even Paimon joined in at one point being the guide that she's supposed to be.

Once our destination appeared into view, Pyro started asking questions immediately about it.

"Mommy, what's that huge place?"

"That's our destination. It's the place we are going to stay for tonight."

"It's called Wanshu Inn. It's the best Inn around with really delicious food!" Paimon shouts out with stars in her eyes and drool starting to run down her face.

"Food?! They have food?! That's what that delicious stuff from before is called, right? Mommy, are we gonna get some food from there?" Pyro asks as she starts tugging on me.

"Of course we can, just so long as we don't go too crazy on what we order. We don't have a lot of Mora on hand." I shoot Paimon a look immediately to make sure my point gets across. Out of all of us here, she eats the most and knows how to go overboard.

"Fine! Fine! Fine! Paimon gets what you mean. I promise not to go overboard on ordering, now let's go already!" Paimon cheers out eagerly.

We make the rest of the journey towards the Inn and take a seat at one of the many tables they have set up at the bottom floor. In fact, I believe this is the same table we sat at when Mona treated us to a meal. I wonder if we'll run into her at Mondstadt?

The waitress came to tell us the specials for today. The choice of a crab, ham and veggie bake, Jueyun Chili chicken, or Crystal shrimp as the main course with your choice of a side of a bamboo shoot soup, a calla lily seafood soup , black-back perch stew or a satisfying salad.
I went with the Jueyun chili chicken with a side of calla lily soup,Paimon got the crab, ham and veggie bake with a side of bamboo shoot soup, and Pyro chose the Jueyun chili chicken like me but instead chose the satisfying salad as the side.
After putting in our orders, we all started chatting about or next course of actions.

"Mommy? Are we sleeping here tonight?" Pyro asked mid-way through our conversations.

"Um, yes and no." I was very unsure as to how I was going to explain this to her looking to Paimon for help.

"You see! We have our own place we like to sleep, so there is no need to spend a single mora on lodging for the night." Paimon states with a lot of confidence. Unfortunately, that was unhelpful. It didn't exactly help explain the matter.

Pyro looked towards me with an even more confused look then before. I could only reflect her confused look with a light smile and a pat on the head.

"You're best seeing for yourself later on." I chuckle out. There and then the food had come out all nice and steaming hot.
Our mouths watered at the sight of it. The chicken steamed with the scent of spice filling the air, the salad looked rich with fresh veggies, the soups steamed and glistened with seafood and veggies a like, and the crab, ham and veggie bake was being devoured immediately by the seemingly starving fairy.

Pyro laughed at Paimon's antics as I thanked the waitress.

"What are you laughing at?" Paimon stopped eating with a solid gulp to down whatever food was left in her mouth.

Pyro stopped laughing immediately with a face of guilt. She looked at me wondering what she did wrong then back towards Paimon.

"You're not supposed to laugh! You're supposed to dig in!" Paimon says as she begins to shove more food down her throat eagerly.

Pyro looks at me and we laugh together at her antics then mimic the eager fairy in much more cleaner manner.


Food is yummy!~ ^~^

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