Serenitea Pot

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*Lumine's POV*

"Mom, I don't think we could stay in that. It looks a little small."

I had a feeling she'd say that. We had just finished eating and I had just brought our little teapot we call home.
Still unsure as to how to explain it all to her, I let Paimon take the lead on it as per usual.

"You see Pyro, this is called a Serenitea pot. It is imbued with adeptal power that help it provide a whole other world on its own." Paimon explains the best she can with a proud look.

"Wow, really?!" Pyro asks with excitement in her eyes.

Paimon nods in agreement. I notice then that Pyro's excitement ceases, replaced by a look of confusion.

"Uh, What's "adeptal power"?

Paimon immediately shifts from her look of proudness to a look of utter shock.

"How do you not know about adeptal power! Its power supplied by the adepti!" Paimon shouts out while stomping her foot.

"What are adepti?" Pyro asks looking even more confused than before.

"How do you not know who the adepti are? They are the people who serve the archon of Liyue and help keep Liyue safe."

"Archon? What's an Archon?" Pyro questions again, confusion evident on her face. Just how far does this amnesia stem, I wonder?

"Ok! Paimon thinks you are just teasing Paimon, and it is not funny!" Paimon shouts out cutting me from my thoughts.

"Paimon." I hault her in her rage gaining her attention. I hold Pyro close to my side and pet her head a bit with my right hand.

"You have to remember; she has a case of amnesia. We don't know how far it goes nor do we know how much she remembers. We have to be patient with her." I say, reminding her of the situation.

Any rage left in Paimon faded immediately as she realized her wrongdoing and rubbed the back of her head in guilt.

"Paimon guesses your right. Sorry Lumi, Paimon must have forgot about the whole amnesia thing. Paimon is sorry to you too, Pyro. Paimon will try to be more mindful about your situation, ok?" Paimon says holding her hand out in forgiveness towards Pyro.

Pyro looks up towards me then towards Paimon with a smile and lightly shakes her hand.

"Ok! Can we see the world in the teapot now?" Pyro brushes off the whole issues like it was nothing. I'm not even sure if she realizes what happened or why what Paimon did was wrong.

"Of course! Who are we to keep you waiting. Let's go!" Paimon shouts out as I activate the magic within the sigil that enables us to travel into the Serenitea pot. With a swirl of magic and a blink of an eye, we arrived into the land within the teapot containing a mansion to greet us along with grassy fields and trees around us.

Pyro immediately took a look around at the surrounding area and began running all around the grassy fields pointing out waterfalls, other parts of land with houses around them, the blacksmithing area and the farming fields. She seemed to love everything immediately and couldn't help but want to ask questions.

She asked her questions as I pushed into the mansion, and she immediately stopped her questioning and began exploring the large building with Paimon at her side to chat with her.

I went upstairs into one of the rooms and took a seat on one of the beds that I had set up in the room. The room was stacked with books on the floor and bookcases stood next to them tall and filled with even more books. A table sat not far from them with a tea set resting on it. A chair lay next to the table for sitting and on the other side of the room rested a desk, on top a hair piece I got from Ayaka back in Inazuma lay upon it.
Other than a small lamp, that was all that sat in the medium sized room.

I began prepping the bed for Pyro to sleep in. I don't have much for her in the way of Pajamas, so I hope she is fine with sleeping in her dress for tonight.

Time passes as I wait patiently for a while but nothing but silent ensued. Where is she? The mansion is huge but not that huge.

I get up and start searching around for even a slight hint of where Pyro and Paimon could be. Nowhere upstairs, maybe downstairs? I search the rooms at the bottom of the steps and find them in one of the rooms with a fireplace in it. The fire flickered on their sleeping forms that lay on one of two couches that sat in the room. Pyro slept peacefully cuddling a snoring Paimon that lay next to her. This is actually the first time I have ever seen Paimon sleep outside her dimension.

I smile at the sight of both of them. They both must have got exhausted after all the excitement and exploring. I leave them be and make my way out the doors of the mansion to be greeted by a cloudy night sky. A few stars here and there and no moon in sight.

I sit on the green grass outside the mansion and stay gazing at the twinkling stars above.

These little lights in the sky always remind me of you, my dear brother. I wonder, if you ever were to find out about Pyro, what would you do?

I imagine, for starters, I think you would have killed Childe after hearing that he was the father and I the mother, even if we really truly aren't.
A chuckle slips out of me from my musings.

As for Childe....I am grateful for all the help he's done for me so far. He's always there for me even though we are on opposing sides. He understood my pain when I needed him and is as loyal and goofy as he's ever been. You would have really despised him, Aether.
If only you were here.

I instinctively rose my hand out to the sky almost as if I was reaching out to something in that endless void of stars.

I wish you were here. I put down my hand as I felt a tear slide down my cheek and drip off my chin.

Aether....I wish you were here. I don't understand why.

No! I must be strong! I will find and I will do my best to understand everything soon. There has to be a good reason for all this.

I stifle any remaining tears that threatened to linger out and lay back in the comfy soft grass to continue my gaze upon the stars.

Gazing upon the stars, I emptied all sad thoughts from my mind. Cleansing all things from my mind I felt my eyes fall heavily as exhaustion and the peaceful sounds of the waterfalls nearby slowly eased me enough to doze off into long awaited slumber.


It's been a while!
I know I haven't updated in a while. Things have been a little hectic. I do apologize. I also want to apologize ahead of time cause this might be a constant thing. Rest-assured I have not given up on this though.

I hope you all enjoyed~HAPPY


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