What is happening?!

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*Childe's POV*

I sat in shock and disbelief. Being called Daddy is not what I expected the very moment I walked through the door. Don't get me wrong; I am happy she is awake, but I definitely missed something while I was off searching for information.

Especially if a blushing Lumine is defending her self from the wrath of her furious flying companion, Baizhu is smirking like a mad man, and this young girl is calling me Daddy while staring at me like I am the greatest man in the world.

I have to admit though, a blushing Lumine is quite cute though....

I take a deep breath and relax as I try to brush the current events off.

"Ok, so would someone please explain to me-...us... "I start out getting everyone's attention while gesturing to the trio, Chongyun, Xingling and her bear companion.
"What is actually going on here?"

"Don't you start, mister!" Paimon yells out.

"Eh, excuse me?" I ask confused.

"Mr. Moneybags....more like Mr. Can't- keep- it -in-his pants! I get you and Lumi like to spar without me there sometimes, but Paimon had no clue you two were actually doing a different kind of sparring!" Paimon pipes out.

"Paimon..." Lumine starts but immediately the fairy turns her attention back to Lumine to chew her out again. Something about letting her guard down around the Futui.

I am flabbergasted. What in Archeon's name was she talking about.

"Um, what does that loud flying thing mean when she called him Mr. Can't keep-it- in-his-pants?" The young girl asked with a confused look.

"Oh. I believe Qiqi can explain. You see-"

"Qiqi my dear. Please don't ruin the girl's innocence. She is still far too young to know about that." Baizhu quipped.

"Oh...I see." Qiqi blankly says in her usual voice.

"So you're a father, Childe? I had no idea! I guess that explains how your able to cook so well." Xingling cheerfully says while holding the boxes with our food closer to her.

"Who's the mother?" Chongyun follows up.

"Last I checked, I'm not a-"

"That would apparently be Ms. Lumine." Baizhu interrupts, gesturing to the girl who has managed to calm the raging fairy down.

"Look Paimon. If I did have a child, you know I'm not the kind of person to abandon her in a cave that used to house the Pyro-regisvine." I hear Lumine say as I begin to listen in, tuning out Xingling, Chongyun and Baizhu as they talked about it more.

"I guess Paimon sees your point. You have proven countless times that you are good with children. Paimon just doesn't understand why she called you mother and that Tartwiglia the father of all people."

She seems to chuckle at the fairy for a bit and it even causes me to inwardly smile at the name antics of her companion.

" Lumi, you have a child? Why didn't you tell me?" Xingling says out while walking up to the girl and pats her on the head lightly.

"Xingling. I don't. She just ended up calling me her mother."

"Really? So you have no kind of connection with Mr. I-know-Lumi's-favorite-food-and- I-want- to-cook-it-for-her here? Your only friends?" Xingling teases while pointing me out.

Seriously! What is up with people and giving me nicknames today?

"W-well we spar all the time... but I mean...well..it's kinda complicated." Lumine answers.

I understand what she is saying. We are comrades in battle, we always have each other's back when we fight together. In the end of the day, she chooses her side and I must choose mine, even if my heart yearns to adventure with her.

"Mom, do you not like daddy?" The girl finally pipes up.

Lumine went silent. She seemed unsure as to how to answer.

"It's not that, darling. Your mother just has a bit of difficulty expressing her feelings like others do." I pretend to happily say while showing my signature toothy grin, hoping it would help Lumine even for a little bit.

"Oh...ok then." The girl said a bit upset, almost as if she knew it was a facade.

"You know, she does have the same kind of hair as you Lumine, and a bit of the same face. I see how many would be able to mistake her as your daughter." Chongyun says as he puts a hand to his chin in thought.

"Chongyun is right! I see it too!" Xingling says walking back to her friend in crime and puts and arm around his arm while the other holds on to our meals. You can see a light blush on Chongyun appear at this gesture but I'm sure Xingling didn't notice.

"No mistake! Mommy is mommy and daddy is daddy! I am sure!" The girl shouts out, casting all the attention on her. Everyone is silent for awhile.

Lumine then puts a hand on the girls tinier hand and gives her a bright smile. A smile that is so bright that it seems to tell her "I understand." The girl brightens up immediately and hugs Lumine with a chuckle.

"Well, in any case, I have other patients to attend to. Come along Qiqi." Baizhu says and begins to walk past me towards the exit but then he comes to a halt.

"Oh and Mr. Tartaglia. Don't think I didn't notice the extra guests. I have a strict guest policy of only 2 guests per room at late hours. If you want them to stay, this is going to cost you." Baizhu says and then exits with Qiqi close behind them.

I let out a sigh. Great...more negotiating. Oh well. I guess this happens when you have mora to spare.

"Well then? Who's hungry?!" Xingling shouts out, holding the wrapped food boxes up for everyone to see while still having one arm wrapped around Chongyun's arm."

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