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*Lumine's POV*

"Aether!" My voice echoed in the dark void that surrounded us. I floated within this void while the familiar presence of my twin brother stood a far distance from me within this darkness almost as if there were solid flooring below him.

He continued to stare at me with that blank stare, almost as if analyzing who I was and what I was doing. It was cold; I felt cold, but that didn't matter to me as much as the long lost person ahead of me.

"Aether! It's me! Lumine..." I tried again. It was the only thing I felt I could do as I tried to move within the void to get closer to him. Nothing was here. No familiar sights, no birds, no Pyro, no Paimon....just me and him in a vast empty black void.

Aether stood there and seemed to laugh at my futile attempts to get to him. The smirk forming on his face as I continued to try and swim within the empty air just to reach him.

No matter how hard I tried to move within the void, I couldn't even get a centimeter closer to where he stood. Everything I did was futile as I continued to linger in the same spot I first started in desperately flailing my arms and doing whatever I could to close to him.

My heart beat hard within my chest and I stopped for a bit to catch my breath. I continued to take deep breaths in, feeling as if there isn't enough air around me to fill my lungs. Every deep breath made it feel much harder to breath. My heart wouldn't slow in pace one bit. I might actually pass out due to how thick the air was....It was suffocating! I am determined to get to you, my dear brother. I don't want to lose you again!

I continued to try and swim to his standing figure, ignoring the pressure my lungs felt and how fast my heart continued to beat. It felt like it would explode out my chest at any moment. Please! Brother!

"Aether!" Another yell of his name escaped my mouth. Heavy breathing continued to pursue me. My vision started to blur, probably from what felt like lack of oxygen or the thick air around. My body started to feel as if it wanted to give out on me and my eyes were heavy but I never laid them off my target and soul objective.

Aether seemed to chuckle again at my antics but it was hard to tell through blurry eyes. A light then formed behind him within this dark void. Aether turned towards it and began walking into it; away from me....

"Aether w-wait! Don't....Don't go! Please!" I could feel tears begin to run down my cheeks and drops form through my blurry eyes as I did my best to yell for him in hardened breaths.

I don't want to lose him again! I can't lose him again! Please! Come back!

Aether walked further and further away. No matter how hard I tried, I could only watch. The energy in my body felt zapped and my breath felt like it continued to be stolen away from me. My heart began to slow in pace with every step he took towards that light.

"A-Aether..." A hushed yell came from me again. Tears still fell from my ice-cold cheeks but at a slower rate.
I could feel my hair shift slightly, lessened by the weight of something. I didn't care though. He was getting away from me, and I felt so helpless in any attempt I made. So helpless...

"Aeth..." My voice gave out completely as everything seemed to stop. The sound of my heartbeat faded and my breaths were successfully stolen from me. I could only see a fragment of him now. A silhouette of him made by the burning bright light that swayed him away from me and left me all alone in the cold dark depths.

I slowly began to let my eyes fall as the vision of the flowers that used to lay in my hair came into view, blocking my view of Aether. That was the last thing I saw before feeling as if I was a corpse within the surrounding darkness.


I jumped up, feeling my deep breaths refreshing my lungs of what felt like well needed oxygen. My face felt dried of water that must of been tears from when I was within the dream.

As I steadied my breathing, I took a look around me.

I was where I lasted remembered myself being. The green grassy field in front of the mansion I left Pyro and Paimon to sleep peacefully in. The night sky still showed above, which meant I slept but not the whole night. Day hadn't even made it's break within the night yet.

I hugged myself for warmth feeling very cold; as cold as I felt in my dream. My breathing finally slowed and I got up from the grassy spot I claimed at the beginning of the night.

It was another nightmare that had graced my sleep. Ever since I was separated from Aether, I've had nothing but nightmares. Even when I was sealed away for what was many years, I was tortured with nothing but nightmares during that time.

I slept less and less, doing my best to avoid these nightmares and every moment I did sleep, I would pray for good dreams. Unfortunately, I have yet to be relieved of that torment. Just what did that unknown goddess do? Was I cursed? Just how long will it last?

Once I felt warm enough, I ran my hands through my hair, massaging my head from the pain of the ongoing questions that felt never-ending. I stopped when I reached the familiar item that lay within my golden locks and took it out to observe it.

These flowers were given to me by my brother a long time ago. During a time that was even before ever meeting the cursed goddess, yet after the battle of Khun'reha that I have absolutely no memory about. When we first found ourselves in this world, known as Teyvat.

I may not know or remember much, but I do remember that we were travelers. We visited world after world looking for a place to call home.

I wonder, will we ever find that special place?


I do apologize for slow updates but life is so stressful sometimes. I hope you understand. ^~^

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