Information Hunt

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*Childe's POV*

Okay, Childe think....Where do I start looking for information on a missing girl with cute short blonde hair? Better question; who do I ask in a city that doesn't trust me or the futui?

I let out a sigh of exhaustion as I begin to walk down the steps that led to Bubu pharmacy.

I guess I can consult the more knowledgeable person around here. He should at least be willing to talk to me. Besides, he always has some kind of information, let it be from rumors or his age of experience.
He may have heard rumors about a missing girl in Liyue.

After the thought crossed my mind, I bolted down the quickest path leading to Wangsheng Funeral parlor and then came to a quick halt.

A lady in the funeral parlor's black attire stood in the way of the door, looking down at some paperwork that was in her hands.

"Um, excuse me ma'am?"

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't see you there! Is there something you need? Are you here to take advantage of one of the funeral's many deals we have to offer?

" currently anyways." I reply with a slight chuckle. We always need coffins in my line of work. A lot of the lower members always overestimate themselves and it never ends well.

"So what may you need sir? Are you here to consult director Hu Tao for something? I would have to disappoint you and say she's not here. She's out doing her.....promotional deals around Liyue currently." She states with a sheepish grin.

"Actually, I'm here to see Zhongli. Is he available?"

"I will have to disappoint you again and say he's not. Mr. Zhongli is currently out adventuring. He's on a months break from the funeral parlor currently. The last I heard, he left towards the city of freedom. Is there possibly anything I can help you with though, fine sir?" She states while looking back down at her paperwork.

"Well....have you perhaps heard any rumors about a missing little girl in Liyue?"

"I have not. There is only one missing person that I know of so far and his picture is posted all over Liyue city. Oh, but maybe the adventure's guild knows something. They usually are the first to catch rumors on information like this." She states.

As I stand here I can start to feel glares from people around me. The futui is not really welcome here, much less a harbinger. If I think this is bad, I can only imagine what other places in Tetvat think of us due to the other harbinger's influence on the place.

"I thank you, ma'am. I will check with them." I start to walk slowly back towards the adventure's guild, keeping my guard up just in case. If my reputation continues to proceed me, then none of them will have the guts to do anything....not that I would mind.
I always enjoy a challenge.

A smirk forms at the thought of the people of Liyue challenging me to a fight all at once. I feel as though they won't be as much of a challenge as Lumine though.

Knowing her well, she'll defend them as best as possible which means another all out fight. Nothing would make me happier then another battle with her. I know she gets a kick out of our battles too.

No matter who wins though, we get along like no other does.
The type of person you can go to war with.

Immediately I stop my musings at the familiar sight of the adventure's guild and make my way up the steps to the counter which one of many Kathryne's stay.

"Ad astra abousosque! How may I help you?"

"Has anyone posted any commissions or have heard any word about a missing little girl with blonde hair?" I ask.

"Unfortunately, we have not. Would you like to post a commission for one though. I promise you we can get one of our best adventurers on the case."

One of their best adventurers...huh...she means Lumine...doesn't she.

I smile at the thought. The well known Honorary Knight still living up to all of her achievements.

"No, I do not think I need to do that. Thanks anyways." I say then walk off.

Why am I doing this? I guess the answer is quite obvious. I have a soft spot for kids. Plus, If Tuecer was ever in such a position, I'm sure I'd be looking for him like crazy. Family comes first in my eyes. There's nothing that could get in the way of it.

Plus, I'm doing this for Lumine. She asked for assistance and I'm sure if Tuecer was ever in such a situation she would be the first to have my back, so of course I will have hers.

"Sir!" A male voice cuts in.

"Vlad? What's the issue?" I ask in a serious tone. They never come looking for me unless there is something up.

"There has been reports from fellow members that Scaramouche has been spotted in the area." Vlad reports directly with a bow.

"Let him be. I'm sure the Balladeer will get his upcoming that he deserves. " I say thinking about one certain traveler who tends to get in the futui's way all the time.

"Yes sir! Is there anything else you would like us to do?"

"Actually there is. Along with keeping a close eye out for the Balladeer and what he's up to, I want you to look for any missing person reports located here in Liyue and in Monstdaht. If you have to, maybe in Inazuma and Sumeru. I don't think the report hunt would have to go further then that."

"Understood sir! Anything else?" He replies with a nod.

"No, you are dismissed." I reply. With that said and done, he takes his leave with the usual salute to do what needs to be done.

Getting information from this organization is probably one of the best ways to achieve any kind of quick results around here. If they can't find anything, chances are, nobody is looking for her. That will be a sad truth for her to live with too, unless she knows something we don't.

"Hey! I know you! You hang out with Lumine, right?" A cheery voice startles me from my thoughts as I look towards the source. A fiery looking girl with her blue hair up and what looked to be a tiny bear approaches me with a wide smile.

"Um, ya. I guess you can say we "hang out"". I laugh out with my usual grin.

"That's awesome! Do you know if she is still in town?! I've been meaning to make it up to her. I mean, I didn't want to walk out on her to go to work, but I kinda had no choice." She says with guilt laced in her words.

"I am sure she doesn't see it that way. Lumine isn't the type to think that of people and is really understanding."

"Wow! You know Lumine so well! You too must hang out at a lot more then I thought. In any case, I still feel bad." She answers back.

I take a look at the falling sun and it's matching dimming orange sky as I breath a deep breath of fresh air. I know Baizhu will probably scold us for this but.....

"I was just about to grab something to eat and go back to meet with her. Would you like to join me?"

"Sure, but how about I spice this deal a bit up! How about I cook something for everyone and in exchange can I bring an extra friend along and also Gouba?"

Baizhu is gonna kill me but....maybe I can pay him off before then?

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. If you don't mind, I'll assist. I am quite good in the kitchen myself, Ms...." I hold my hand out for her to shake.

"Xiangling! Nice to meet you! I don't mind. The more the merrier!" She shakes my held out hand.

"Nice to meet you too! Just call me Childe. I assume this little guy is Gouba?" I say kneeling down and petting the bear on it's head.

"Yep, now come on! We have some cooking to do and then we have to go get Chongyun! He was looking forward to seeing Lumine again too!" She yells out happily as she drags me towards the Wanmin restaurant.

I guess it would be smart to explain the situation to her, but I will leave everything as it is for now.

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