Missing People

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*Childe's POV*

I heave out a sigh as file another folder of paper work away in a cabinet. I despise this part of the job.  I really do.
It must be done though if I am to continue being able to get away with whatever I do with no question from other harbingers or futui members.

I look down at the desk and see another folder with more paperwork I have to do.

Maybe...Just maybe....a quick run out side wouldn't hurt.

"Sir!" Someone  slammed open the door to my office.

"I will get it done! I wasn't going to sneak away!" I speak out loud as I take a seat back in my chair thinking it was Ekaterina.

"Sir?" The guy asks with confusion in his voice.

"Oh, it's just you Vlad. I thought you might have been Ekaterina." I sigh out in relief. Ekaterina has been hounding me with paperwork lately that I've been trying to avoid.

"Why would you expect Ekaterina, sir?" Vlad asks breaking me from my stupor.

"No reason! Is there a reason you've decided to approach me at this current moment?" I try to change the topic. No one below me needs to know that I am being hounded for paperwork by someone of their rank.

"Yes sir! I have gathered the reports of missing people spanning from here, Monstadht, Inazuma and Sumeru. I even decided to go as far as Foutain. These are some of the posters of people who are missing currently." He states seriously putting brown-ish folder down on the desk in front of me.

"Good work soldier. I will look it over in a few. As for now, I want you to keep an eye on the traveler and let me know if anything happens immediately. I also want you to keep an ear out for any and all new missing person reports or if anything out of the ordinary happens. Report back to me immediately in that case." I say taking the folder he put on my desk and then waving him off afterwards.

"Yes sir! Thank you!" Vlad salutes and then leaves.

I look out the window towards the dying light of day.  Given how Lumine is, they have probably stopped at Wanshu Inn for the night. Lumine would never risk the life of another. One thing I guess you could admire about her.

I open the folder that Vlad has handed me and take a gander at all the missing reports.

It would appear Vlad has followed the description I gave him earlier and ruled out any reports that didn't have people with blonde hair.

A good member he is indeed. It helps to save time when most have been ruled out.
The stack of missing people felt thin an light which meant that there weren't many.

I flipped through everyone and spread them out on my desk. One was about a lady with long blonde hair, red glasses and blue eyes. Another about a young boy with short blonde  hair and green eyes. Another was about a short blonde haired girl with green eyes. The list went on but none of them were Pyro.

The list of papers of missing people went on and on and I kept looking through them looking for any on Pyro but so far none had showed the unknown girl. I continued on until one stopped me in my tracks.  A missing report about a long braided blonde haired boy who had familiar golden eyes that matched that of the traveler I grew so fond of.

The brother she so longed to find. I often wonder how her luck has been lately on finding him. I don't ask cause I don't wish to pry, but I know it eats away at her. Being separate from someone as close as a sibling, even more, your twin is hard.

I remember first finding out about her struggle when we were sparring. Lumine seemed upset about something and she let it show in our spar. I did my best to keep up with her to give her a challenge but I ended up losing that round in the end.
I confronted her about it and that's when she embraced me in a hug and shedded those crystal clear tears of hers into my chest. She told me everything and I couldn't help but want to comfort her. She relented about how she got separated from her brother by some unknown god and that she's been on this crazy journey to find him. The one moment she did finally find him, he was gone from her grasp yet again.

I pulled her into a tight hug and did my best to ease her pain. From that day forward, we tend to see eye to eye more often then before.

I do wish that sometimes I could be there to help her find him. I would travel with and explore areas like a real adventurer. My young self would go crazy over that.

A knock sounds at the door and Ekaterina enters with a confirmation to come in.

"Sir, I need these reports A.S.A.P. and once your done, there is a debt in need of collecting. Are you done with the first reports I gave you?" I stay silent as I can feel her gaze on me and all the papers of missing people on my desk, covering the folder of paperwork she wanted done.

"Sir! Need I remind you that you can't leave here until you have finished all the paperwork, so you can kiss any adventure goodbye until it is done. It is all due for submission by midnight tomorrow which is being a little generous since it should have been finished before you decided to leave for Inazuma after that whole fiasco you caused." Ekaterina states as she puts the new folder down on the papers that littered my desk and crosses her arms.

"Fine, fine! Consider it done before then, but you have to promise that this is the last of it all. " I speak out. Ekaterina nods and walks out triumphantly. I can't talk back about any of this cause I know that all this paperwork was technically my fault to begin with.

I sigh an irritated sigh as I swipe all of the littered missing reports together and put them back in their brown folder. I then open the folder that has been sitting there since the beginning and start on it.
Tonight is going to be a long boring night.


Overnight Full-time job + School = Not a lot of time....


I'm hungry....I want food now. ^~^

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