My Name

10 1 2

*???'s POV*

The day came to an end with delicious food and new funny people. They seemed to be pressuring mommy and daddy almost any time they had a chance.

Laughter joined the delicious fumes that lingered in the room and confusion always seemed to spur within me.
Why is mommy acting like she and daddy aren't together? I swear they are!

I remember being a beautiful plant but I must have been reborn somehow.  I felt a connection between the two somehow and I just know they are my parents. It's so hard to explain in words alone.

I love them so much. Right? That's the right
I just feel like I have known them my whole life that there is noway they aren't my parents.

A hand lands on my head and pats it, ruffling my hair up in the process.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

I look up and see daddy's biggest smile. I could sense an ignored confusion behind it though.

"Daddy, you know I love you...right?" I ask as I lean against him.

The look of unease rested upon his face. He seems so unsure of how to answer.

"Do you now? I can't say I do? Just how much love are we talking here, kiddo?" He asks resorting back to his casual but still uneased smile

"I don't know. Maybe as big as the world and beyond. Is love the right word, daddy?"

I can feel mommy's eyes on us now as everyone else continues chattering about this and that. Matters I have little clue about.

"Well, love would be the right word if you are addressing a father or a mother.  It means you care for them no matter what, though sometimes it can come with it's burdens. As long as it's worked out in the end, everything will be alright." He answers while rubbing his own hand through his orange locks.

"Do you love mommy, then?" I ask. I know it may feel like I am repeating myself from earlier, but guess I am just trying to clear everything up. There's so much confusion going on that it's hard to keep up.

"Well..." He begins but then a figure steps up next to him cutting him off from any potential answer I could have gotten.

"Are you giving Chil- I mean your father.....a hard time?" The girl known as Xiangling interrupts with a chuckle and a bright smile.

"I know you must have a million questions but I think the best thing would be if you got some rest. I have a feeling you three will have a long day tomorrow."

"Yeah, we will. First thing in the morning, we'll have to find you something better then a Bubu pharmacy gown to go out in then I think the next course of action would have to be tracking down Zhongli for some information." Mommy says with a light grin.

I could tell daddy was in deep thought, judging by how he put a hand to his chin.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea! In fact, I will run out and get one right now. I have to make a run to the shop anyways to see if it's busy. Chongyun could come with me and we can even bring Xingqiu along too!" Xiangling gleefully says.

"Why must I get dragged along? You know I have other things to, right?" Chongyun asks almost in disappointment.

"Cause you are my mentor currently, silly! You are teaching me how to know when I've come across a spirit. What would happen if I came across one in the market and your not there to protect m- I mean to show me what I need to do to get rid of it?"

Chongyun became speechless and Xiangling had a light blush after her words. I immediately could feel an unknown aura come off of him that mixed with what was usually his normal aura and even see it too. His aura is usually an icy blue but a new color that looked kind of pink collided in it. All these auras, reminds me of the feeling and look of one of the senses I used to have when I was a plant. In fact, that particular sense was the reason I was able to detect creatures so well and even fight them properly.

I looked around and thought about all these colors of the auras that I knew so far about the people around me. Even if it's been a short time, I realized quite a bit.

Daddy wore a darker blue around him,  though it turned a tad bit lighter and even had that same color, pink, collide with it whenever he is around mama too.

Xiangling always wore a flaming orangeish red color around her, but even that was being tainted by the pink that lightly crept into Chongyun's aura, and her companion wore a very darkened gold yellowish color as it rubbed it's tummy.

For some reason, I am having difficulty sensing anything from mama though. Why is that? I think this aura thing is a normal thing that happens around them but mama is different.

"Lumine. I heard from the lady at the funeral parlor that Zhongli has traveled to Monstadht." Daddy cuts in.

Who is this Zhongli? Is he a friend of theirs?

"I guess we'll be in for quite the adventure then. Well you know for sure that you'll have your trusty guide here ready to assist you!" The fairy pipes up and floats up to mama.

"I wonder if she can fight like you, Lumi?" The fairy then zooms to me and puts her fists up in playful manner.

I can't help but look down at my hands and stare at them in deep thought almost as if I was searching for answers within them.

I wonder if I can use any special abilities like my previous form. Fire. It was like fire,right?

"Hey, are you-" I can feel the fairies eyes stare down at me in concern.
Movement shifted on the bed and I could feel a pair of dainty arms grab me and pull me into a hug.

Comfort washed over me at the familiarity of the figure. Mama....

"I think it's about time you had a you have any ideas on to what it might be?" Mama asks as she fixes the small flowers that rested in my hair.

"I can't remember..Can you tell me?" I ask still enjoying the comfort within her embrace as I lean my head on her.

Eyes from everywhere in the room were on us. Silence filled the void of the room with occasional noise coming from Xiangling's companion.

"I think Pyro is quite fitting for you, don't you?" Mama asks as she pulls me back and smiles a nice warming smile towards me.


I like love it!
This is who I am! Pyro! My name is Pyro!

I immediately jump into mama's embrace again with water droplets in my eyes.
"Yes! I am Pyro! I love it!"  I yell out into mama's surprised embrace.

"Why Pyro though?" Chongyun asked.

"Well you see, we found her...." Mama started explaining but I toned her out as I continued the tight embrace as she also hugged me back in turn.

This feels right. Me here with mama and daddy. Nothing could take this amazing feeling away either.

The night continued on and I found myself laying down with my head on daddy's lap as mama was saying her goodbyes to the 3 friends that accompanied us today.
Xiangling of course was eagerly dragging Chongyun while her bear companion followed saying she wanted to hit the market even if it was late at night.

I found myself not paying much attention though as sleep crept it's hold on me causing what little energy I was using to stay awake to fade, making me fall victim to it's momentary peaceful grip.


I promised myself that if I get Klee and Kazuha then I will make 2 updates to this in one day. I got Kazuha a week ago and I got Klee just last night so here is the first update today! Next update will happen in about 2 hours! Hope you all will enjoy! ^-^ Thank you all also for reading and your patience!

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