She awakens

25 1 16

*Lumine's POV*

It's getting late. I wonder if Childe has found any leads.

I look around the room that is lit by a single lamp that is hanging from the ceiling and then I look towards the window as the light begins to dim from the outside world.
Paimon is in her "other world" doing whatever she does over there. Maybe sleeping....

I wish I could do something but the best thing I can do currently is sit and wait for her to wake. Baizhu even stated so after he did a minor check up after Childe left and found nothing wrong.

We have no information on who she is but.....

I stare down at the girl and how her hair is reminiscent to my own with unfamiliar flowers that are barley hanging in between her golden locks.

I reach down and pet her head. Why does she look like a younger version of me and what are these flowers in her hair? I have never seen them in any of the places I've been to.

"Mmm" the girl groans out as she leans her head more towards my hand and begins to slowly open her heavy eyelids.

I pull back from shock. She's awake!

"Paimon!" I yell out and immediately with a "pop" Paimon appears. Paimon seems as shocked as I and quickly floats towards the door.

"She's awake! Paimon will go get Baizhu and Qiqi as quickly as Paimon can!" Paimon yells out as she opens the door and floats out of the room.

"W-what's going on? W-where am I?" The girl stutters out timidly in hoarse voice drawing my attention.

"It's ok. We brought you somewhere safe. Can you tell me your name?" I ask as calmly as possible as I take her hand and rub it with my thumb to ease her anxiousness .

Her eyes.... They are so pretty. A red-ish pink clash of pyro that appear to match the unknown flower a top her head.

"A name? What's a name? Do I have one? Wait! I can talk and understand you?!" She almost yells with curious eyes as she sits up. Immediately she regrets it as it appears a tinge of pain hits her.

"Take it slow. You've been unconscious for awhile so your body is still probably adjusting to you suddenly being awake." I support as I rub comforting circles on her back, hoping to ease the tension and pain.

"My body?" She asks almost confused while looking down at her hands, opening and closing them repeatedly. It was almost if she didn't remember ever having a body.

"Paimon has brought Baizhu!" Paimon yells out, barging into the room without a single thought that there might be other patients in the area.

"Yes, I am here but please do your best to keep your voices down. I understand that it is exciting to have the child finally awake, but might I remind you that you might not be the only ones here." Baizhu speak out my thoughts as he enters the room with Qiqi close by behind him who is holding a glass of water.

"Heheh... Paimon's sorry." Paimon says looking down in embarrassment.

Qiqi walks up to the bed where the girl is and holds out the glass to her.

"Qiqi thought you might be thirsty so Qiqi brought you a glass of water." Qiqi says in her usual mono-tone light voice.

Immediately the girl jumps back and pushes me forward to hide behind me. I stay still; a bit shocked at what just happened but then instinct in me kicks in telling me to comfort her as I begin to pet her head lightly.

"My, aren't we a bit shy. I assure you dear, my little Qiqi won't do anything to hurt you. In fact, I don't think she'd even hurt a fly." Baizhu tries to comfort as he walks up behind Qiqi.

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