Meeting the Yaksha

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*Pyro's POV*

After a quick delicious meal made by mom, we left the wonderfully awesome world commonly introduced to me yesterday as the Serenitea Pot. I really loved it there and exploring everywhere with Paimon. She showed me around everywhere but the familar feeling of heat embraced me when we got to the room with big fire in it.
I think the fairy told me it was a.... "fireplace" and that the really soft thing we laid on was the "couch". It all was amazing.

When I woke up, mom had the food ready and Paimon was already digging into her plate. Mom must have been up really early. She's amazing! Did she even sleep?!

We continued to follow the trail leading to whatever it is called. I don't remember. Remembering the names to everywhere is hard. All the sights had me in awe though so I stayed in front gawking most of the time. No matter how many times I see it all, the world is so amazing. To think I used to be a flower in my previous life. Who knew I could be reborn in to such a vast and awing place?

I was so amazed, I couldn't help but ask questions about everything, that was until we came upon a litter of bodies on the road. I stood in my place staring shocked at the sight. They were all monsters but there were so many of them lying seemingly dead on the ground. Mommy and Paimon immediately rushed to my side to observe the sight too.

"What happened here. It looks like a massacre?"

"Not exactly, look closer." Mommy replied to Paimon. The atmosphere around feeling more tense at the sight.

I was curious as to what she was referring to so even I took a closer look. A strong black aura emitted from them all. Strange...they usually have a dark aura to them but it's more dark night blue rather then pitch black.

"Some black stuff is emitting from them. Is that what I think it is?" The fairy questioned.

They can see it too? Have they always been able to see that stuff like me?

"Karma." Mommy simply replied while holding me close to her.

"Karma?! So does that mean you-know-who did this?"

I am confused, what are they talking about?

"Who mommy? Also,what is karma?"

"Well you see-" Paimon started.

"Nothing that should concern you currently." A mono-ish voice said from thin air. Immediately a boy appeared behind mommy in a flash of green and black.

He seemed to be close to mommy's height and had a funny looking get-up. Black hair that ended with green at the tips of it. Dark golden cat like eyes. Oddly shaped necklace and a tattoo. A mask that strapped to his side that also glared at anything with it's mischievous smile.

Yep. Definitely yells "Stranger!" to me.

What really got me was his aura though. A black and green color; that dark danger feeling, but it was mixed with a light tint of gold that gave a sense of calm and serenity.

Just who was this guy?

"WAAAHH! XIAO! Don't just pop up out of nowhere like that! You almost gave Paimon a heart attack!" Paimon breathed heavily out.

The boy had a look of uncaring on his face towards Paimon and focused his attention to mommy.

"Where are you going and why do you have-"

The dark golden eye boy cut off his sentence took a gander at me with his suspicious cat-eyes then looked back at mommy.

"You mean Pyro?" Mommy asked the boy before he could finish.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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