The Storm

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•Techno has a rough night but it's okay, because Tommy tries his best to comfort him.•

Normalizing: Fear of storms, being afraid of the dark, and getting overwhelmed

Warnings: panic

Tommy sat in his room typing away on his computer. This was one of the only times he actually decided to do some schoolwork. Just as he was about to print his work out, a gust of wind took out the power. Leaving him in the dark, insanely annoyed.

"Oh come on, I didn't save that!" Tommy punched the printer like it somehow made the power go off. After a minute Phil walked in with a flashlight. "Hey, Come out in the living room. Wilbur is lighting some candles."

"I just lost all my work! A pumpkin spice candle won't help me now!" Tommy crossed his arms and walked towards Phil. "How much longer is this storm going to be?!"

"I don't know Tommy, it'll probably be all night." Phil sighed as a big flash of lightening lit up the house. "shit, I've got to get Techno."

"Dad, I'll get him." Tommy insisted and took the flashlight from Phil. "You find your way back to the living room, I need to piss anyway. I'll get him on my way back from the bathroom."

"Alright..." Phil hesitantly went back to the living room. Techno's fear of storms was well known to the family. He had always been terrified of storms and power outages since he was little.

Tommy used the bathroom and went into Techno's room. Not knocking incase it startled him too much. "Techno, sorry it took us so long to get you." Tommy said softly so he didn't make Techno panic. He shined the light around until he found his piglin brother in a corner. Curled up into himself. "Techno, it's okay. Let's go out into the living room with the others."

Techno looked up at Tommy, seeing how he was the only light source in the room. "It's so dark..."

"They are lighting candles in the living room, come on." Tommy kneeled on the ground and grabbed Techno's hand to pull him up.

Techno swiftly pushed Tommy away, sending him backwards. An angry piglin was one thing, but a scared piglin was an entirely different thing.

"Ow! What the fuck man?!" Tommy grumbled and stood up again. "Why are you so stubborn?"

Techno stood up finally, reaching his hand out for the flashlight.

Tommy sighed and handed it over so Techno would feel comfortable. "There, come on. It's not that scary."

Techno huffed and rolled his eyes. Tommy would never understand his irrational fear, or maybe it was rational. He wasn't sure.

They walked down the hall into the living room. A loud clap of thunder made Techno drop the flashlight and back into the nearest corner.

"Hey Techno, it's fine man. Come on, it's okay." Tommy tried to coax him out of the corner.

Techno shook his head and stayed in the corner of the living room. At least it wasn't so dark in this room.

Phil walked over with a candle in his hand for light. "Come sit on the couch with us. I'll get some blankets." Phil walked away to get those blankets he promised.

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