Chapter 1: The discovery

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100 000 years later

Dream woke up to the horrible sound of his alarm. He could hear Sapnap grunt from on top of their bunk bed, indicating that he too was awake. They'd both grown up in this hell hole. From an early age, children are taught the reason for their compromised living environment. How a collapsed nuclear plant had wipe out the majority of humanity and left the surface of the Earth inhabitable.

It'd been close to a 100 000 years since the catastrophe. Speculations that the radiation should be starting to wear off, was an often discussed subject. But the leaders claimed that the uncertainty made moving to the surface too dangerous. Yet, a few people were lucky enough to be sent on missions to the surface from time to time. Those who'd been there said that it was a place full of life. Spectacular trees and plants covered every inch of the ground and you could still see remains from former civilization, although it was mostly covered with vegetation.

Dream and Sapnap had known each other for as long as they could remember and because people weren't allowed to have more than one child, they were as close to siblings you could be in this place. They might not share blood, but they did share one primary desire; to become Watchers. Watchers were the only ones who were allowed to leave the bunker. And because testings started to show that the radiation was at a level that no longer was harmful to humans, more and more surface missions were made.

Dream reluctantly rose from the bed and went to turn on the lights. The bright light blended him for a second before his eyes adjusted. He was faced with the same concrete walls and metal interior as always. Sapnap seemed to have gone back to sleep again. Dream punched the metal fence around the beds, which caused Sapnap to ramble seemingly every swear word he knew. He laughed at his friend's reaction while making his way to the bathroom.

The bunker had very strict rules and a schedule that everyone were supposed to follow each day, besides from some small adjustments during the weekends. The rules included a dress code, or more specifically a demand that you were supposed to look presentable.

Dream took a quick shower before he put on the mandatory uniform, which consisted of a forest green t-shirt with matching green pants plus black military boots. While brushing his teeth he examined his appearance. The dirty blonde hair fell in waves around his face, his green eyes were accompanied by thick dark lashes and eyebrows that were a few shades darker than his hair.

Sapnap suddenly busted through the door. He looked like an angry mess. His friend's dark, short hair was a mess and his equally dark eyes shone with annoyance. "Why the fuck do they need us up this early?" It was a rhetorical question, his friend was everything other than a morning person. However, their schedule required early mornings.

They were both 21 and were at the end of their Watcher education, it was only a matter of days before they'd completed all courses and would be assigned their first mission. Newly graduated Watchers rarely got any interesting first missions, but recent rumors that one of "the others" had been caught, was surfacing around the facility. Dream didn't know anything more about the so-called "the others" than the fact that they were believed to stem from Homo sapiens as well. Sightings of them were rare but a few had been seen throughout the years. How they were described made it seem like they looked a lot like humans. It had been quiet about "the others" for a while until rumors resurfaced when Watchers had been seen bringing something, or someone, down with them. It had sparked Dream's, and many others, curiosity.

30 minutes later and both boys were heading to the main area of the building. The bunker contained a training section, food court, a science department, a section for socializing, and a living area. They'd both earned themselves quite the reputation because of their performances in their Watcher courses. Both Dream and Sapnap was amongst the best in their grade. The biggest driving force, and what most likely contributed to their success, was their joined hatred for this place. It provided the necessary components for survival. But living in this place consisted of a very constricted and monitored lifestyle. It was understandable to some degree. The requirement that everyone stayed healthy and contributed to their little society in some way made sense. Though, it resulted in little to no freedom.

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