Chapter 35: Back from the dead

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Everything was set. The explosives where in place and everyone was stationed at their given spot. Sapnap felt his hands trembling uncontrollable as he sat alone at one the bunkers dining hall-tables. His roll was to make sure the main elevator was accessible, so the others could get in. Philza had given his word that he'd give everyone a fair chance to leave the bunker and explain what was going to happen otherwise. Blowing up innocent people wasn't Sapnap's favorite daytime activity. But he knew that the bunker-people would hunt "the others" down forever, even if they would promise not to.

The Council-leader was missing after his mission to hunt down Dream. Even more blame was put upon his friend as well as "the others".

When did his life become so complicated?

Living in the bunker had been a pain in the ass, but it had at least been simple. Everyone played their part, and as long as you kept that part, everything worked fine. Or so he told himself. After his time away, it hit him that his life in the bunker only had appeared bearable due to not knowing anything else. Philza said that a great way to keep people obedient and content with what they're given was to never introduce another option and it sure as hell made sense.

A familiar presence approached him. Dahlia. He sighed. What the fuck could she possible want?

He had been forced to endure her complaining for days. She was a person that he'd gladly bury with the bunker.

She sat down in front of him. "Good evening, Sapnap." He lifted one eyebrow. "What do you want?" She fake pouted. "That was unnecessary rude." Sapnap rolled his eyes. "Sorry, princess, let me re-phrase. The fuck you want, bitch." Really euphemizing the last word.

Her normally painfully cheerful eyes and smile was gone. It was like staring at death herself.

Dream, your nimrod, were you completely blind when you chose this demon?

"Well, again then. What do you want?" A menacing smile crept onto her face. "Oh, I just thought that I'd update you on the news."

A bad feeling arose in his chest. The blonde girl leaned closer. "The Council leader is back, he was nearly assassinated by that blue and brown eyed freak."

That was NOT the news he was hoping for.

"He says that we have to barricade the bunker because they'll most likely attack in the following days."

This was worse than expected. He needed to act fast. He quickly stood up and turned to walk away. "Oh, and by the way. Dream's dead. The freak killed him as well, he'd apparently been a victim of mind-control, that's why he helped that nasty freak escape."

Sapnap's head spun as he walked away. He knew about their mind-thingy. Karl had explained it to him, but he recalled Karl saying that they could never force their way into someone's mind.

Everything felt wrong. Was Dream really dead? He couldn't believe it, he wouldn't believe it until he saw it with his own eyes. But the scheduled plans would suddenly become a lot harder. Dream's dad, more known as the Council-leader, was a great speaker. Although it pained him to admit. But with him back and that story to back it up, no one would question a thing.

However, the time to operate had finally come. Sapnap made his way towards the elevator. He was more than just a little confused, but he somehow knew that this was the right choice. The lock slowly opened and now was waiting the only possibility.

A speaker sounded throughout the whole bunker, telling everyone to gather in the dining-hall.

Curiosity got the best of him and he followed the instruction. The dining-hall was crowded with people, who all seemed to stand in a circle around a table. Sapnap forced himself closer and was met with the sight of a bruised, burned and wounded Council-leader.

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