Chapter 19: To the Ends of the Earth

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The two made it back to the campsite. Both had switched to dry clothes and let the wet ones dry beside the fire. George was staring into the fire, consumed by thoughts. Dream had kissed him. It was a lie to say that he didn't enjoy it, but it complicated things. They would soon reach their destination where their paths would separate.

George sighed; Dream had been the one to initiate the kiss, but George knew that his feelings for the blonde had blossomed over the course of their journey. Sure, they'd argued a lot and George basically kidnapped the other, but things had changed.

George sat and carved a piece foxfire-wood. He didn't have a plan when he started the carving, it was more so a distraction. But it'd slowly formed into a little moon. He didn't know what to do with the piece of green wood, so he just put it in his pocket and put away the knife.

The lack of distraction caused him to lock eyes with Dream who sat at the opposite of the fire. The light caused the blonde's muscle definition to pop. George had assumed that his "hostage" must've been in relatively good shape. But it was one thing to assume and another to actually get it confirmed. His cheeks got uncomfortable warm and he appreciated the darkness in this moment. He quickly looked away. However, the blonde wouldn't give up that easy and made his way around the fire to sit down beside him. George kept his gaze on his nails while Dream stared at the fire. His companion sighed. "Look George, I'm sorry if I overstepped. I just realized that our journey would end in a few days, I guessed I acted on impulse. We can just pretend like nothing happened." George closed his eyes and shook his head. "You didn't overstep, but our roads are bound to part." Dream cocked his head against the sky, George dared to admire the blonde for a moment. The hair fell backwards and was long enough to cover his neck. The sharp features enhanced even more from shadows created by the fire. His eyes were the most precrural part, they didn't look like anyone he'd ever met before. They were for starters both the same color and didn't glow  the same way that his did. The green color shared a resembles with the dark leaves of the forest. He was attractive, no doubt about it. George wouldn't be surprised if he'd many people chasing after him in the bunker. But Dream was so much more than a pretty face. He radiated confidence and possessed the most ridiculous, yet fantastic laugher that George had ever come across. Although, he could be a pain sometimes, George believed that the blonde boy was a whole-heartedly good person, despite being raised in the bunker.

Dream caught George staring and George quickly turned away. "What if I come with you?" George was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't register what the other said at first, but the words slowly sunk in.

"I can't ask that of you."

Dream raised an eyebrow. "You didn't ask me, it's my idea. My only goal in life has always been to escape that hell, but I didn't think it would be possible until I met you."

The statement left George speechless. He turned to face the other. He was met with a smile, to his surprise. George couldn't help but smile back. An arm made its way around his waist, pulling him closer, and George didn't resist. The warmth from the blonde felt amazing and George let his head rest on the other's shoulder while he closed his eyes.

"You know that I wouldn't stay in this region forever, right?" George muffled quietly. He felt the arm tightening around him and a soft kiss was placed of his head. "I would follow you to the ends of the earth if I was given the chance."

The words wrapped themselves like a blanket around George's heart and soul.

To the ends of the earth.

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