Chapter 27: Everything's fair in love and war

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The day of the invasion came closer. A few people would stay behind, Karl was one of them. Dream's nervosity-level got higher and higher. His mission was to get back to the bunker with Sapnap, making them believe that his task was done. The next step was for Sapnap to distract the Council by making up some stories from his time away while Dream freed George. He was told to just bring George out of the base before returning to help the others plant the explosives. Dream objected at first but was told that it'd be time later to help George.

The morning started as any other morning. Dream and Sapnap was up early, getting dressed and eating breakfast. But their normal, lighthearted chatter was missing. Both were quiet, buried in their thoughts. Sapnap asked one single question during the entire time. "Do you think your dad will surrender or just die with the bunker?" Dream didn't even have to think about it. "He'll die in that place." It sounded harsh but Dream didn't care. He asked Sapnap the same question about his parents. But his friend didn't have the same distinct answer regarding his parents as Dream.

The meal was over and the pair headed towards the bunker. Everything told Dream not to return, but he knew he had to. It didn't take nearly as long to get back to the bunker as it had taken Dream to reach the camp now when he didn't have to carry Karl's sister.

They reached the bunker mid-day. Nervous was an understatement, terrified was a better description of Dream's mindset. So far so good thought. The found the main entrance and walked in. Sapnap looked like he wanted to puke, presumable from being back, but it would for sure be easier to convince the Council of his story with that expression. The bunker hadn't changed and they found their way to the Council fast. Fake worried expression was plastered on their face as Sapnap started his half-truth. Dream kept in the background, examining the scenery in front of him. His friend did a brilliant job of selling his story. It was almost comical how serious they took the proclaimed threats that Sapnap said had happened. There was really no way for these people to look at "the others" in any other way than as the enemy.

The distraction did what it was supposed to achieve. Dream sneaked out of the room while Sapnap recalled the monstrosities he'd been put through, it even sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

Damm, maybe an acting career if they survived.

Dream tried to avoid everyone. He needed to reach the other side of the bunker and unlock the entrance so the others could get in when they arrived. It was more of an emergency exit, the same one that had been a part of his and George's plan. It was easier than anticipated, which was a relief.

The next step was to find the lab. Finding it shouldn't be too hard. No, the difficulty revolved around how he would be able to explain his reason for being there and even further, why he needed the brunette out of his cell. He would need to channel his inner Sapnap-acting-skills.

The grey steel door was finally in sight. His heart felt like it would leave his chest and it took every ounce of self-control to not run away. Taking one last calming breath before the opening the horrible door. The inside looked the same, the cells to the right and a classic lab-table in the middle. Two people was leaning against the table, one that he didn't recognize and one that he sure as hell recognized. Fuck.

"Dream?" Dahlia's surprise was obvious. He forced himself to smile. "Yeah, me and Sapnap just got back, they sent me to bring the prisoner to them." He crossed his fingers that the lie sounded more convincing to them than it did to him. The unknown woman that was in the lab as well didn't look fully convinced. "Why?"

Panic, panic, panic. Yeah, why would they request George? Dream settled on an awfully cruel lie. "Sapnap described certain features and they were curious to see if the prisoner possessed them." The sentence made Dream cringe. It sounded so dehumanizing. But it was apparently convincing enough. The women stood up and headed towards the cell. George sat on the floor in a similar manner to the last time Dream saw him. An observation was that the chains were clean this time. No blood, no scars or wound, no sighs of resistance this time. Dahlia unlocked the cell and both women made their way over to the brunette. The chains fell to the ground, but George didn't move.

"404, rise." Was all that was said and so the brunette did.

The sight was tragic. It was as if someone had removed every sign of life. The person in front of him looked foreign yet familiar. George physical traits remained, the blue and brown eyes, the dark, slight curly hair and the pale skin. But that's where the similarities ended. The brunette looked in his direction, but might as well have had his eyes closed. There was no sign of recognition, anger, hatred, fear or any emotion for that matter. It was like looking at a person who was both alive and dead at the same time.

Oh, how he wished that he could teleport himself and George away in this very moment and then watch the bunker burn, with every single one of its residents inside. No one in this God-forsaken place deserved sympathy. They were all blindfolded idiots that deserved to die.

Dream decided to be selfish. Humans are selfish, so why defy nature? He made his way over to his lovely, beautiful, cold-hearted bitch of an ex and hugged her. Her surprise was exactly what he needed. His arms were now hidden from her sight. So, his right arm reached over to unbuckle the knife that was hidden on his left underarm. "See you in hell." The words were nothing more than a whisper as the blade dug in to her right triceps.

The screams caught the other scientist off guard. Dream quickly snatched the keys from Dahlia's hand, pushed George out of the cell and locked the two scientists inside. He didn't waste any time and pulled George with him, out of the lab. He took one last glance at the rather gory scenery but it didn't even face him. Dahlia's scream got cut of when he closed the door.

Was he a monster? Maybe. Was he also selfish? Absolutely.

He knew that stabbing someone was bad, but something snapped when he'd laid eyes on the shell that was left of George. He also knew that he was planning on breaking his promise to Philza. He couldn't leave George like this. It was a selfish act. But he. didn't. care.

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