Chapter 41: What happens now?

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Every journey most come to an end and that how George felt when the base got visible in the distance. His heart leaped in his chest. These few weeks had certainly been an experience, containing both good and bad parts. But as much as he'd missed his home, he couldn't shake the fact that parts of this rollercoaster-journey would remain amongst his fondest memory.

A warm hand found his own and who it belonged to was obvious. "Are you ready to go home?" George turned to his companion. The green eyes looked at him curiously.

Was he actually ready?

One might think that the answer should've been crystal clear, but it wasn't. It marked the end to a very influential chapter in his life and it felt weird to know that it was over and a new chapter awaited.

He took a deep breath "Yeah." Dream squeezed his hand reassuringly. The familiar presence was instant as they got closer. During his time with Dream, the conversations had nearly always been spoken out loud. But the all so familiar mental aspect of the camp hit him like a wall. Despite being a couple meters away from the destination, the presence of his friends was already reaching him.

The pair finally got close enough to see the residents. A table close to them were occupied by three guys that all seemed familiar.

Karl and Quackity noticed their arrival before the third one. "Gogy!" Karl's voice rang through his head and his friend's warm embrace soon accompanied the enthusiastic voice in his head. Quackity wasn't far behind and somehow managed to knock them all over. Dream had let go of his hand, but was wheezing beside him. However, the blonde didn't escape an equally as violent welcome back as himself. His dark-haired bunker buddy seemed to have hugged him hard enough to break his ribs and then continued to cuss him out afterwards for going against their plan. 

Everyone that George had missed was there in seconds after their arrival.

Philza, Wilbur and even Techno, who usually was rather reserved, expressed great relief that they were back.

Ophelia made an appearance to greet them. She seemed to have recovered well and hugged both him and Dream.

George wasn't usually the most expressional with his emotions but even he couldn't help but feel his heart warm at the return to the base. Everything that he had been through during these weeks suddenly felt very distance. An overall happiness filled his entire brain. At least until Wilbur uttered a sentence that George couldn't believe was true.

"The Council-leader returned to the bunker just before we put our plan in motion."

Both him and Dream stiffened. "What...?" Was all George managed to say.

Dream looked like a complete statue at the news about his father. "Yeah, he told us that he and his men had been attacked by one of ours while he'd attempted to save his son." George was to stun to speak.

It wasn't possible.

"Save me?!" Dream spat. "That fucker was the reason I nearly died." Wilbur rose his hands in defense. "Don't shoot the messenger, mate. His words, not mine."

Silence fell. George was so confused. He'd been sure that all three of them died.

Although, it wasn't completely unbelievable that he could have survived. George hadn't allowed himself stay to make sure that the man died. The man was awful, but he had to give it to him, his survival instincts must've been strong.

"So, what happened then?" George asked carefully.

"The man played the victim-card. We gave them the chance to evacuate and some might have taken the offer if he hadn't been in the picture."

"So... you're saying that not a single one left the bunker?" Dream asked but seemed to know the answer already.

"There's this saying that a pen is sharper than a knife. I'd like to argue that it goes for words as well, especially spoken from a person with great power." Philza said with sadness draping his words.

"Power gives you great opportunities to do good, but a person who's once got a taste will in many cases be more than terrified to lose it."

George felt the storm that was Dream's emotion collide with his mind. He didn't know what else to do, so he grabbed a hold of the other's hand. It didn't calm the blonde boy down completely, but he relaxed a bit at least.

It was clear that this conversation wouldn't lead anywhere else. So, George decided to try and change subject. "So, what know?" Philza faced him with an amused expression. "Oh, we'll most likely stay here for a while longer. But I've heard that you've got other plans?" Quackity and Karl must've told him already.

George cleared his throat. "Eh, yeah. We were sort of planning on going our own way for a while." George didn't know what type of reaction he'd expected.

Disappointment? Sadness? Maybe even anger?

But Philza kept smiling. "Then it will be very interesting to catch up once we met again." George was taken back by the answer.

"How can you be so certain that we'll meet again?"

"Oh, it's just a hunch." Philza's eyes sparkled as he said that. "And then you could tell us about all the wonders that you've seen. I think you'll realize that the world will exceed your every expectation." George couldn't help but smile. This man always seemed to know everything there was to know, but refused to share it.

The group split up to let the friends catch up. They were back in the sleeping cabin that George had shared with Karl and Quackity for so long.

Happy chatter and light-hearted bickering took place. The decided to plan their future journey a bit. George observed how well his friends got along with the man they once kidnapped, it felt completely natural that he would join them. George felt an inner calmness. He sat at his old bed with his head resting on Dream shoulder with the blonde's arm wrapped around his shoulders George allowed his eyes to close.

Maybe this was it. Maybe this was the feeling he'd always been searching for.

Future adventures were ahead of them and he would get to share it with his friends and even better, he got to share it with Dream. His Dream.

Karl, Quackity and Sapnap were all laughing about something that George had completely missed, but it didn't bother him.

"I love you, Dream." Dream's gaze met his and a wide grinned was painted on the blonde's face. "I love you too, Georgie. To the ends of the Earth, remember?" Dream whispered and placed a kiss on his forehead.

Yeah, to the ends of the Earth.

The end.

A/N: If you're reading this, then it means that you've reached the end
I'm so grateful for everyone who've read the story. Got no clue how it all of a sudden ended up so high on the DNF tag, it's insane!

Once again, thank you! You're all wonderful people! <33

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