Chapter 4: The first interaction

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This very morning had begun as so many others before. George, Quackity and Karl were headed out to gather food. However, when they'd reached too far to turn back to the base, they'd realized that someone had been following them. That someone being Karl's younger sister, who was known for her curiosity. If the trio would've noticed earlier, they would've sent her home. But after some arguing they'd concluded that she could follow along if she would promise to keep in the background. Karl's sister, or Ophelia as she was called, had been more than willing to agree to the deal.

These trips mostly consisted of waiting around for the right moment and with some luck, they would be able to catch some bigger animal, maybe pick up some mushrooms or roots along the way. 

Though, this one trip would not follow the normal pattern, and as a consequences also clear up the undergrounders intentions once and for all. 

George had positioned himself behind some thorns and waited for a deer whose presences he could feel. They couldn't speak with animals, but they could sense their presences, and to some degree even the animals feelings in the situation. Everything was going according to plan. Karl and Quackity had made the same move as himself and sat hidden, waiting for some sort of prey. Ophelia sat beside Karl and her thought radiated of boredom. A sudden shift in the deers manners caught George's attention.

The deer abruptly ran deeper into the forest in fear. His first thought was that she'd seen them, but the real reason would soon reveal itself.

Five armed men were heading in their direction. From the looks of it, it seemed like they had some type of motion sense gears and George realized that they were spotted. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. We need to leave, like right now guy!" Quackity's panicked voice entered his skull. 

George wasted no time and started running back. Quackity did the same. Karl tried to follow their lead, but his sister didn't get the memo, completely mesmerized by the armed people. Those few moments of hesitation were all that it took. The armed men were quickly by their side with their sight set for Karl and Ophelia. "Quackity, we can't leave them!" George thought in desperation. Quackity hesitated for a moment before they both started sprinting back towards the siblings. 

Shouting could be heard across the entire forest. Karl tried his best to keep them at a distance, but his hunting-knife was no match against their armor. George and Quackity both decided that the moment of surprise would be the most efficient way to attack. 

George unhooked his own knife from his belt and set his sight on one of the men holding Karl's sister. They must've realized that she was the easiest target because they put all their effort into containing the poor girl that was crying and twisting to get loose. 

George saw his opportunity and jump out of his hiding space, plunging his knife between one of the men's shoulder blades. He screamed out in pain and the loud noise made George's head spin for a second. Suddenly, he felt how someone forced his arms behind his back. "You'll pay for that, freak." A voice whispered in his ear, and it sent shivers down his spine. A cloth was placed over his mouth with a strong-smelling substance on it. Chloroform. He realized and panicked. To avoid inhaling more of the substance he forced himself not to breath. He could see some of the man's bare skin and did the only thing he found himself capable of doing. He forced his face from the cloth and bit down as hard as he could on the man's arm, who reacted immediately. The man stumbled backwards in pain. George could taste blood on his teeth, it was horrendous. Injuring or killing humans were something completely new for him and it felt a lot different compared to injuring or killing an animal.

Now free, George could see that they were fighting a losing battle. Both Quackity and Karl was down and Ophelia laid lifeless in one of the soldier's arms. "You'll keep down if you want your little friends to survive." One of the soldiers proudly proclaimed. Seeing no other option, George obeyed and sank to the ground. He gave it one last attempt and sent all the soldier an extremely high-pitched noise in hopes that it would shatter them. But before he knew it, he felt a boot hitting his head, making him loose conscious and his world turned black.

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