Chapter 12: The truth hurts

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Dream didn't like to admit it, but his companion wasn't as bad as expected. They didn't talk much but the brunette seemed to always know what he was thinking. It hadn't been that many days, but being in the forest felt amazing, despite the current situation.

The guy, whose name remained unknown, had explained the plan. Getting to the base and trade Dream for the girl. The plan wasn't horrible in theory, but somehow it felt like it wouldn't go down that smoothly.

Dream was amazed over the other guy's trust in him. He'd never tied him to a tree again and always gave him an equal share of food. Sure, escaping had crossed his mind multiple times but his odds on surviving in these woods alone wasn't the best.

The sleeping arrangement wasn't the most optimal either. The option often stood between laying on ground or leaning against trees. Dream knew that he was important enough for the guy not to kill him in his sleep and he theorized that sleeping and regaining his strength was the way to go.

However, nightmares had always been a part of his life and this new environment didn't change that. They often revolved around his Watcher education. He knew that it wouldn't be easy when he chose that path, but certain tests had left their scars.

But there was a difference out here. His nightmares could drastically shift to something completely different in a matter of seconds. One second, he could be trapped in that horrendous dark room. Seconds later, and he could be sitting on an unknown cliff, watching the sunset.

He hadn't given it much thought in the beginning, but the more times it happened the more suspicious he became. The last drop had been tonight. Dream had fallen asleep and found himself in one of the Watchers training rooms. Pure terror was all he felt but soon enough the place changed. He found himself on the most beautiful beach he'd ever seen, blue spots coated the top of the water and stars decorated the sky. The brunette was there, to his surprise. The guy sat down and scooped the water in his hands. Dream didn't think he'd ever seen someone so beautiful. The blue dust in the water matched his blue eye exactly. But what made him so beautiful in that moment was the peacefulness that he radiated. This could have been heaven and Dream would've had nothing to complain about.

Curiosity got the best of him, he needed to know if he'd just died and entered the afterlife. "Where are we?" The brunette turned towards him, he looked shocked for a second, but the peacefulness remained. "I usually call this place the Sea of stars, because the algae looks like stardust.". Dream glanced out over the sea and wished for this moment to never end. He shifted his gaze back to the brunette. "The algae matches your eye. They're both very beautiful." The sentence had escaped Dream's mouth before he could think anything of it.

But it was a dream so why would it matter anyways? Though, that comment didn't pass unnoticed. The boy turned towards him with a shocked expression and that's when everything started to fall apart. The beach disappeared and Dream woke up.

Somehow, he saw this as the missing piece to his puzzle. He got up quickly, grabbed the butterfly knife, made his way over to the other guy and pressed it against the other guy's throat. The brunette awoke and stared at him.

"You can fucking read minds?" As soon as the sentence had left his mouth, Dream felt how stupid it sounded. Yet, the boy's eyes widened in terror and that's when Dream knew he wasn't crazy.

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