Chapter 32: The overlooked plant

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They started heading back in the direction that they must've come from. George kept his gaze on the ground.

He'd managed to play it of as a misstep and got a hold of the two white plants. 'Heracleum sphondylium' and 'Cicuta virosa'. So innocent-looking and easily mistaken for nothing more than white flowers. But one should not be fooled by their innocence look. One caused chemical burn at contact with skin, it got even worse if sunshine hit the skin. The other was his last step, if ingested could cause death within 15 minutes to an hour.

He kept them in his sleeves. A smile played on his lips even though one of them burned worse than he could've imagine. The first strands of light were soon visible and would be George's que to execute his plan. He couldn't infiltrate their minds, but he remembered how he'd knocked Dream out once by blasting a sharp noise. He hoped that these people would reach the same way. It wouldn't keep them out of the picture for long, but a couple seconds was all he needed. Dream's dad would probably be the easiest target thanks to his wounded arm, therefore he was George's last priority.

The sun was finally high enough and adrenaline pumped throughout his body. He closed his eyes and concentrated. Every ounce of hatred and pain accompanied the sound as it erupted. A successful result. The men all fell to the ground, covering their ears. George wasted no time and pulled out the first plant that would cause the burns. He used on of his nails to get to the saw in the middle of the plant. Jumping close to the first man, who was still disoriented. Mouth, eyes and face would probably be the most painful places, so that's were he aimed. All the three men reached towards their face and tried to rub the pain away, which would only make it worse.

While all of them grunted in agony, George executed the next step. He spun back to the first one, crushed some of the other plant, showing it in his mouth. His own hands ached from the burning plant, but nothing could make him slow down. George pinched the man's nose and mouth shut forcing him to swallow the plant. The same method was used on the next man as well.

Everything was going the way he wanted so far. Through, Dream's dad wasn't such a easy target as predicted. While George forced the second guy to ingest the plant, he suddenly felt an arm around his neck, squeezing his airways shut. A pained, yet poisons voice whispered into his ear. "Clay's already dead and soon all of your other friends as well." It had the effect that probably was what the man was going for. George's mind shifted back to the dying boy at the tree, it wasn't for long, but long enough for him to lose his advantaged. A hand wrapped over his nose and mouth, now completely blocking his airways. The man was after all genetically related to Dream and therefore possessed a stronger and taller frame than himself, making anything related to close combat to his disadvantaged. His weakened physique from the time in that cell didn't help either.

Black dots started to disturb his vision. This couldn't be the end, he refused to. One last hit of adrenaline kicked in and George managed to wiggle his mouth free. This would be disgusting, but he was out of options. He wasn't seen as more than an animal anyways to the man that was killing him, so why not act like one? He opened mouth and dug his pointed teeth as hard as possible into the man's arm. He bit down with every bit of strength his jaw possessed. It wasn't that different form biting into a raw animal.


He clenched his jaw shut and ripped a piece of the man's arm off. Blood and skin filled his mouth, he had to concentrate not to gag. The grip loosened and the man screamed, which was understandable. A whole chunk of his arm was missing. George spit out everything in disgust before he pulled out both plants again. Dream's dad was in such pain that he no longer seemed present. George placed the one of the plants in his wound just to be sure that he suffered before he forced the man's mouth open and made sure he swallowed the poisons flower as well.

The first two men was already out cold, Dream's dad would soon join them. Even as he stared at the dying man, no remorse or guilt filled him. Again, maybe he wasn't more than an animal, but it didn't matter in the moment.His last obligation remained.

Return to Dream.

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