Chapter 37: The sun and the moon

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George refused. He refused. He refused. He refused.

Dream laid in his lap. The blonde's expression was peaceful, but George couldn't think about anything else than the fact that he was gone. Tears continuously fell from his eyes, soaking his shirt. But nothing mattered.

He'd lost him. His Dream was no longer here. His Dream would never hold him while watching the stars. His Dream would no longer wrap George tightly against his chest.

The green-eyed boy now only existed in his memory. George wanted to scream.

Why was life so unfair?!

He knew deep down that he couldn't stay here forever. But goddamm, it was like Dream stole a part of George's heart and took it with him. George felt hollow. Maybe it had been true, maybe they were soulmates. But if that was the case, then a piece of his soul was stolen to the other side.

He connected his forehead to the lifeless boy that was laying in his arms. "You have to come back. I– we– you and me. We were meant to see the world...please." His voice was nothing more than a whisper.

Sure, he'd grieved his parents, but this was different. George didn't know how he would be able to survive after this.

He cocked his head upwards and saw the moon and all the stars surrounding it. His tears seemed to have run out. Nothing remained.

It was the same hopeless feeling that had taunted his mind during his time in the bunker, but ten times worse. His eyes examined the sky to distract himself from reality. The moonlight made everything appear gloomy. A faint memory appeared. It was once again one of Wilbur's stories, one about the sun and the moon.

He couldn't recall the exact details, but it was some sort of love story. It revolved around how the sun loved the moon so much that he died every night to let her be admired in the way people admired the sun. Two lovers that adored each other and one helped the other reach its full potential, yet where they bound to never be together.

George realized that Dream had been his sun. Dream had awoken feelings that he never knew existed. Dream had planned to give up his entire life to be with George forever. But much like the sun did he also have to die. And when the sun disappeared, so did the moon. The sun made it possible for the moon to shine during the night. But George's sun was gone and so was George's ability to shine as well.

A quick flash flew over the dark sky.

A falling star.

Call him desperate, but he closed his eyes and made a wish, a desperate wish for his sun to come back.

George finally felt his shoulder drop. This was it.

Memento mori. Remember that you're mortal.

The acceptance that he had reached the end on the road hit him. He would cherish their moments forever.

He reached down "I love you, now and forever." The words were nothing more than a utterly quiet whisper. He kissed his Dream one last time on his forehead before slowly getting up. Every muscle complained after having been sat on the ground for so long. The fire was out and left was nothing more than the ashes. A green, glowing piece of wood caught his attention. He grabbed it. His little carved foxfire moon that he'd gifted to Dream.

Just holding the stupid thing was so overwhelming.

The fire was, as mentioned, dead. So, George took the opportunity to distract himself. A small flame appeared and soon hugged the remaining logs. It was almost hypnotic, George felt as if the fire put him in some sort of trance. It was only broken by a weak cough. George turned around in panic. Had someone ambushed him? But no one was there besides him and Dream.

He let his mind roam free to secure that his assumption was right. A familiar presence connected with his mind.

Could it be...?

George turned around slowly, careful not to get his be hopes up. A voice disrupted his thought. "I'll always be your sun." He shot up and ran towards Dream. His advanced hearing picked up a heartbeat. A heartbeat!

"Dream! Dream, can you hear me?!" George stood by Dream's side, examining the blonde once more. An arm made its way around his torso and pulled him down. He was in shock. His head rested against a warm chest that had a regular breathing and heartbeat pattern.

"Dream...?" George asked carefully, afraid to wake up if this was just all a dream. He heard a loud sigh.

"Yes, love."

George got up from the other's chest. Green eyes that almost shone as his own was staring at him. Emotions took control over George's actions. He cupped the other's face and continued to be stare in disbelief.

"You've alive." His voice broke. A faint grin spread across the blonde's face before George felt a hand sneak around his neck. Dream pulled him down and connected their lips.

It was as if thousands of fireworks exploded in George's body. The feeling was euphoric. The kiss was filled with passion. He felt Dream's other hand grabbing his waist and pulled him even closer. George imbedded his fingers it the blonde's locks. They finally pulled away and George couldn't stop the tears.

"You were dead. I lost you. How is this possible?" Dream reached his hand to dry away the tears on George's face. "I don't know. But you said it yourself, not everything has to make sense in this world. Remember?"

Dream looked as gorgeous as ever, George could've spent hours just examining his features. The tanned skin, the splash of freckles that resembled the same pattern as the stars, the wavy hair that perfectly framed the other's face and lastly, the astonishing green eyes that radiated so much love.

But the paler skin snapped George back to reality. He quickly pulled away Dream jacket, that had been used as a blanket, exposing Dream's bare chest and George's bandage attempt. He carefully lifted the fabric and removed some of the leaves. A sigh of relief left his mouth when he saw that the blood had coagulated and that there was no active bleeding.

However, he wasn't completely satisfied yet. He got up and grabbed the bottle with birch saw, painfully aware that Dream was looking at him. George then handed the other the bottle. "Drink." Dream raised an eyebrow. George rolled his eyes. "Birch sav." That seemed to make Dream remember. George made sure that the entire bottle was emptied before he allowed Dream to put the bottle down.

Dream then pulled George against his chest again. "To the ends of the earth, remember?" Dream whispered. George just responded by burying his face on the other's bare chest. George felt like he could breathe again for the first time in ages, it didn't take long before his eyelids got heavy and sleep consumed him.

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