1| I need your help

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A/N: english isn't my first language. Please correct any mistakes. Thank you.

"Sean?", Lana questioned, answering her phone that rang a couple of times. She wasn't expecting a call from her former Co-star even if she wasn't complaining at all. Nevertheless, it was strange because Sean had the habit of asking prior if Lana had time to talk. She told him nearly a thousand times that he should just try but Sean seemed to stick to his scheme and always texted her before. Well, until today.

That's why Lana was kind of confused seeing his name pop up on her phone.

"I need your help. Please tell me that you're at home", Sean said in hesitation without even giving her the chance to answer. His voice wasn't calm at all. It sounded more broken than usual just like he was in trouble or overwhelmed by his emotions.

"Okay okay. Calm down, Sean. I don't get what you wanna tell me. Breathe!", Lana said, cutting in the sentence that he started. "You need to take a deep breath and tell me clearly.", she said after she could hear how Sean was doing so.

Lana was aware that his breathing was steadying after a few seconds since she could hear it over the phone. It didn't take Sean long to continue what he was trying to say to her.

"I just got a call from the Police. They said Tanya had an accident and was brought to a hospital. The thing is all the kids are here and I honestly don't want to bring them before I am assured that they will not see something that will traumatize them.", Sean said in a hectic voice. "I called a few of my friends but nobody seems to be even in town. Lana, please tell me you could take the kids for a bit.", he said in a voice that broke her heart. She could feel how much pain the unknown faith of his wife caused him. Lana had gone through a lot of ups and downs with Sean but even after all these years of knowing him she never had heard so much fear in his voice.

"I am coming as soon as possible. I am actually on a break. Can Lola come? Otherwise, I need to make sure somebody is looking after her.", Lana answered and heard a slight prayer from Sean that was more than facilitated. He agreed on her bringing Lola because he knew that his kids loved that dog to bits, so did he. Whilst Sean was saying his reliving thank-yous over and over again, Lana was packing some stuff that she needed for Lola and even herself in case she would stay a bit longer at Sean's house. After about 10 minutes she finally calmed him down enough to feel safe to end the call. The black-haired woman let Lola jump into the car and made sure everything was locked before leaving her property. It took her a while to drive to Sean's house but she made it eventually. After getting her dog out of the car Lana rushed for the doorbell. Soon after, Sean dragged her into the building and hugged her like his life was depending on it. Lana knew exactly that he wasn't in a good place and was even worried to let him drive his car in that condition. Softly she put her hand on Seans' back, drawing little circles to comfort him until he was ready to pull away. His eyes looked empty but at the same time full of emotions that seemed to overwhelm him.

"I cannot thank you enough for being here. You have no clue how I was stressing out.", he confessed whilst grabbing his jacket. "I am sorry. I wanna leave as soon as possible. Ehm... Amélie is still on her afternoon nap but she should wake up in about an hour. I left some pasta on the counter but I didn't have time to cook it. If I am not back until dinner time could you--"

"I will cook them dinner. No worries Sean. Really. I helped Tanya once before, remember? I know the kitchen a bit.", she confirmed whilst putting her jacket down at the entrance.

"Thank you. Ehm... Leo and Flynn are watching a show right now. I just had to put them in front of the TV to have enough time to sort everything out. Would be nice if you could turn it off. I am pretty sure they had enough screen time by now. But don't bother too much. Honestly... if they are screaming like hell you can let them watch. All I worry about right now is Tanya. I left you a note on the kitchen counter with Amélies' usual feeding times. She kind of turns into the devil when she is hungry.", Sean explained but got interrupted by Lana who placed her hands softly on his shoulders.

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