14| Road Of Recovery

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"ENOUGH!", Lana finally yelled, making everyone look at her. None of them had heard her speak that loud ever.

"Calm down! All of you. Sean have your coffee and Leo if you're not hungry go back to your room and play something until you are ready to apologize.", she demanded, which made Leo leave the room. Sean did what he was told and drank some of his coffee and took an aspirin, whilst Flynn just ate his breakfast in silence.

"I am sorry. I didn't want to yell, but you guys are extremely exhausting today.", Lana finally said before picking up all the broken pieces of the plate and hoovered to get rid of all the splinters.

After she was done, she went to Leo's room, walking in with crossed arms. He didn't look at her first, because he was ashamed of his behavior but didn't really have a choice after a while.

"I am sorry... I didn't want to break the plate. I was just feeling angry today.", he finally said, looking up to meet the soft dark brown eyes of hers. Lana sighed and sat down next to him on the floor.

"Why are you feeling angry today?", She asked but Leo only shrugged his shoulders in response.

"I just woke up feeling that.", he said before he sat down on Lana's lap to cuddle with her.

"Alright. That's okay, sometimes we do feel angry without any reason but that doesn't mean that we can be mean to other people. It hurt my feelings when you threw the plate because it took me some time to make you that breakfast. Do you understand?", Lana asked softly and searched for his eyes to see the honesty in them. Leo nodded and apologized a second time before Lana stood up and pulled him on his feet as well.

"Okay. And for the rest of the day you are going to try to be a little bit happier, okay?",She smiled and took him back downstairs with her.

Everyone had calmed down by now, even though you could still feel all the tension in this household. Leo and Flynn went outside in the garden after breakfast, whilst Lana was going for a walk with Lola. When she came back Sean was working on his computer, studying different websites and therapists.

"Hey... did you find anything?", Lana wondered, letting Lola from her leach before washing her hands properly.

"Yeah... it's actually only 17 minutes from here. A treatment program for grief & loss as well as for anxiety. It's called Sherman Oaks Anxiety Therapy here in California. They seem to have great doctors, especially for children.

It's possible to go as a whole family to learn as well how to approach the topic of a lost one together and how to talk about it in everyday life. I think that might help us actually... I wanted to give them a call, to get some more information. Could you look after the kids? They're playing outside and Amé is in the playpen.", Sean said, taking some notes he wrote down and his phone.

"Sure. Take your time... oh and, Sean? I am really proud of you. It takes a lot to accept that help is needed.", Lana smiled which Sean returned before he went off to the office.


After Sean had had a long phone call with an employee of the Treatment center, he was sure that this was the right way to go. He sat down with one of the therapists a couple of days later to speak about the details and a treatment plan for the whole family. All four of them would stay at the clinic for three weeks, having daily appointments before returning home. In the following weeks, they would attempt therapy multiple times a week, as long as needed. Gladly Sean was able to let his online acting school run by a friend of his along with the employees that he had.

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