29| Our Kids

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It was around one in the morning when the door to Sean's bedroom slowly opened and Flynn entered. He tried to be as quiet as possible but Lana did hear him coming anyway since she was in very light sleep, trying to comprehend everything that had happened that day, like overthinker do.  

Flynn went around the bed, ready to climb in on the usually empty side when he realized that his spot was already taken. 

"I wanted to sleep here.", he mumbled with tears in his eyes that he wiped away with the teddy in his hand. Lana opened her eyes and sat up, trying to focus on the current situation whilst being incredibly tired. 

"What's wrong, Flynn?", She asked sleepily before rubbing her eyes. "Why are you not in bed?"

"I… I just miss my mummy.", he cried and made Lana sigh with his statement. She knew how much he was still suffering, at least at night time and it broke her heart when the little boy was crying like that. 

"I know. I miss her too, Flynn.", She said before pulling Sean's son up to her on the bed. He wrapped his arms around her straight away and cuddled up to her chest to feel some comfort. "Do you want me to leave you here with daddy or do you want to cuddle with us both?", She asked, whilst stroking through his hair. 

"No, I want you both.", Flynn said, already placing himself between the two of them. "Why are you even in papas bed? Did you have a nightmare too?", he asked curiously, which made Lana chuckle. She settled herself in again and pulled up the blanket before she simply answered: "I love to cuddle as much as you do."

With that, they drifted off back to sleep, since they were still exhausted from the previous day.

Unfortunately, the next morning wasn't as pleasant as the last one. Lana woke up with some cramps that sent her right out of bed and after being up once, she didn't bother to go back to laying down even if it was only six in the morning. Instead, she pulled out her computer and went through some important stuff, whilst her tea was brewing. 

Amélie joined her soon after since it was around her normal waking up time but both decided to just sit back on the sofa and cuddle to begin the morning quite calmly until some slow steps were heard in the house. Soon after Sean appeared, still with a sleepy face on. "Morning you two.", he grinned before leaning in to give Lana a kiss. 

"Sean.", she said with a raised voice, nodding in Amélies direction. 

"What??", he asked before he understood. "Oh, come on. She is barely a year old. She doesn't understand and won't tell others.", Sean informed her. "Right, Amé? What did daddy and Lana just do?", he asked her and got a giggly response. 

The little girl pressed her hand to her face before blowing a wet kiss at them "Mwhaaa", she said imitating them with a burst of laughter before kissing Lana on the lips to prove what she just saw, which let Lana open her eyes in shock. 

"She doesn't understand, Sean?!? She certainly understands more than you think.", she laughed, trying to be strict with her words but couldn't really handle the cuteness of the youngest member of that family. 

"Alright let's get your brothers ready for school.", Lana said and stood up. She needed a second to adjust to the standing position, since a stroke of pain shot right through her head, making her close her eyes. 

"Hey… are you okay?", Sean asked worriedly. "You look quite pale. You're not sick again, are you?", he frowned but Lana shook her head no. 

"I just didn't drink enough…", She answered before taking Amélie up to Leo's room, so she could wake him, which she gladly did after a couple of attempts. Lana had put her on the floor, making her walk the last few steps on her own before she unsuccessfully tried to climb into Leo's bed. 

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