6| A Toast

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"We should talk about anything else as long as we can", Bex said and tried to think about a different topic. "Any boyfriend that you didn't tell me about?", she finally asked and only got a half-hearted sarcastic laugh from Lana. 
"Nope. Broke up with the last one only a couple of months ago.", the black-haired woman started before covering Amélies ears. "Even though I miss him in bed. Cuz he was hot, I can tell you.", she giggled and let go of the small girl. 

"I didn't like him. Sorry… but I was quite glad that you dumped him. Can't even remember his name. I have to admit that he was hot but his personality wasn't fitting at all with yours. I was actually quite surprised that you even let him go that far. He was definitely not your type.", Bex said straight away, not holding back with her opinion anymore. 

"Why didn't you tell me??", Lana asked, confused. 

"Because you were lonely and you really needed sex. It was written in your eyes, Lana. So I thought I would let you have fun and be just mean to him till he leaves.", Bex grinned and got a sarcastic hit from Lana on her shoulder. The black-haired actress really tried to hold it together before she had to burst into laughter. 

"That's bullshit! I was fine. I didn't need to get laid.", Lana tried to convince herself. 

"Oh honey, yes you did. Don't be shy about it. We all have needs.", Rebecca grinned and made Lana shake her head in disbelief about where this conversation led them. 

"Alright, anyway… Since you have to go in an hour, I am going to take Lola on her afternoon walk. That's alright with you?", Lana asked, ready to give up her nice spot on the blanket. 

"Sure, I am gonna join the boys in their pool I guess. At least putting my feet in. Amélie would like it two I believe.", Bex chuckled about the little girl who was trying to crawl forward with not much of a success. 

Both had to smile before Lana took off with Lola on her leash. The Dog enjoyed having the full attention of her owner after spending almost two days with kids. Lola did love children and the attention she got the last couple of days a lot, but still wasn't the youngest anymore. Today was especially more than a full sleeping day after the long walk they had in the morning. She was bothered about anything that was going on. They didn't go on a very long walk, actually stopped for a short amount of time at a dog park before heading back home.

Bex had to leave soon after they arrived, which left Lana with the kids. It turned out to be a quite busy afternoon. The actress took the boys to have a bath, washing their hair and body before preparing a simple dinner whilst they settled down in front of the TV. They ate together peacefully before Lana took care of Amélies routine in the bathroom and put her to bed. Leo and Flynn both agreed on a book today, so they all enjoyed reading the story before the boys went to sleep as well. Flynn went without any arguing, but Leo wanted more attention from Lana that day before she could leave his room. 

"I want mommy and daddy…", Leo started and took Lana's hand in his whilst searching for the most comfortable position in bed. 

"I know… but they are busy at the moment, that's why I am here to take care of you and your siblings. Doesn't change the fact that both of them love you.", Lana said smiling and placing a gentle kiss on his head. She waited until the little boy fell asleep before leaving without making any noise. Lana was again quite exhausted after this day, which made her hate the part that she had to clean up the house at least a bit before settling down on the couch with her phone in her hands. 

Instagram was still all about the picture Sean had in his story one night before, which made her chuckle. After going through some art stuff that people had posted, Lana decided to take a shower before going to bed since Amélie would wake up in a couple of hours already. 

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