27| Let Me Explain

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"Do you think we could be boyfriend and girlfriend, Ms. Parrilla?", Sean asked with a mischievous grin on his face. 

"I do believe we could, Mr. Maguire.", Lana said nodding positively before crushing her lips to his, removing every single inch of space between them. 

The whole situation felt like a huge dream for both of them and neither was willing to ever wake up. Sean's hands traveled from Lana's face to her back, placing them just above her hip to hold her with a soft amount of pressure, whilst her fingers still remained on his face, cupping it slightly. 

Since Lana was laying on top of him with basically her whole body, she could feel how Sean's heart began to pound faster and heavier and she knew that her inner self was doing the exact same thing. Their lips moved in sync, nibbling softly at each other like they were specially made for each other. A little laugh escaped Lana's mouth when she had to break the kiss because of the lack of being able to breathe. Her forehead remained on Sean's, who was grinning from ear to ear, still with closed eyes to hold on to the moment just a few seconds longer. 

"We should keep that to ourselves for a while…", Lana said quietly. "Let's not tell anyone just yet, I wanna share those first moments with you. Exclusively you.", she exclaimed. "And no kissing in front of the children.", Lana added. 

"Yeah… I agree. We should wait a bit before telling them. To be sure it's working between us, even though I do not doubt since we basically lived together for the past five months.", Sean grinned. "But we still should be mindful, because telling the children is a huge step since you would basically become their Stepmother…", Sean said with a smile since he liked the sound of Lana being his kid's Stepmom at one point. She basically was already more than just an auntie to them but adding the official name would even make it more real. 

"That title actually sounds beautiful…", Lana said, having some tears in her eyes again. "Sorry, I am extremely emotional today.", Lana laughed, giving him a quick kiss. "I cannot comprehend what is happening right now.", she confessed. "You have no idea how much I would love to be a part of that family. Officially. I love every single one of you so much and it always makes me feel better when I see you. Gosh, it's so kitschy what I am saying."

"I basically poured out my whole heart a couple of minutes ago… I think the moment couldn't get any more corny for both of us.", Sean laughed and pulled her into a close embrace. 

"You're crushing my boobs.", Lana complained with a giggle in her voice, which made Sean lower his pressure a little. "That's better.", she informed him with a grin. "When do we have to get up to pick up the kids?", Lana mumbled into his chest, not really knowing if she really wanted to have an answer since she could stay right here forever. 

"At 2 pm. Still, plenty of time left to cuddle.", Sean said. "But unfortunately I have to use the bathroom." 

"Nooo…", Lana complained, not wanting to get up from him, since her resting position was just perfect. 

"I am sorry, but I really have to.", Sean said before turning to the left, making her roll down from his body, so he was on top of Lana now. He was holding himself to put his weight off her, still giving an apologizing look to her. "I'll make it up to you. Promise", Sean grinned and gave her a fast kiss before stumbling outside of the room. 

Whilst he was away his phone started to ring, showing Josh's ID on the screen. 

"Sean? You got an incoming call from Josh. Should I take it?", Lana yelled in the direction of the bathroom but didn't get a response. She hesitated to just answer the call since it wasn't her phone, but since it was Josh calling it shouldn't be that much of a big deal. 

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