17| Cuddle?

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"Gosh, we talked for ages. Why is it even that quiet? Where are the boys?", she said in wonder, starting to get up.

She and Sean walked through the whole house before they finally found them playing football in the garden. As soon as they saw them, they encouraged the actors to join.

"I can't play soccer too well.", Lana laughed but tried her best to do it anyway.

"That's why we play football and not soccer.", Sean countered with his British accent. "Leo get it!", He yelled before passing the ball in his direction. The little boy was running after it, before trying to score a goal, which Flynn fended off.

He kicked the ball back to Lana, who was running in Sean's direction, ready to kick it in, but he just grabbed her before it was possible for her, lifting Lana from the floor.

"That's not fair Dad!", Flynn complained since Lana was in his team after all.

"It's not fair either for me because she is totally distracting me when she starts to look in my eyes!", Sean countered, which made Flynn chuckle.

"Then look away!", He shouted back and ran up to them. Since Sean was still holding on to Lana his goal was totally unprotected. That was Flynn's chance to get to the ball and score a goal himself.

"Nooo!", Sean shouted playfully, letting go of Lana immediately, to run behind his boy. He caught him just before Flynn was able to kick and swirled him through the air in circles. Sean realized how sweaty he was since the sun made it a really hot afternoon after all. Flynn already took off most of his clothes with Leo, just running in their underwear around the garden.

"Ready for a refresh?", Sean chuckled and held a laughing Flynn above the pool. The water was still warm and felt lovely to dive into.

"Yes yes yes!", The boy shouted before Sean let go of him. Flynn landed in the water, laughing when he came back up. As soon as Lola saw that someone was using the pool, she couldn't hold herself back from jumping in it as well, making Lana laugh.

"I wanna go, I wanna go!!" Leo squeaked, jumping up and down next to Sean, who fastly put some arm floats on him before doing the same to his middle one.

After the boys were happily giggling from inside the water, Sean turned to Lana, facing her with a huge grin on his face.

"Don't you dare, Maguire!", she severely said, holding up her hands in defense, looking more than strict about her words. Something Sean clearly didn't care about.

All of a sudden he ran up to her, making her run in exactly the other direction. "Sean! Seriously!", she screamed when he was not showing any attempts to stop. She went around some chairs, gaining time since Sean slipped a little, before running to the door. Her bad that the man caught her before she could reach the house and picked her up bridal style. Lana wiggled as much as she could without hurting him, but Sean just continued walking straight to the pool whilst laughing a slightly evil laugh.

"Sean! Let go. Honestly!!! I will never cook for you again and I will not go shopping with youu--aaaa!!", with that Sean threw her basically in the middle of the pool. Lana landed with a huge splash, fully dressed in the water, making everyone laugh except her. As soon as her feet found the ground, Lana pushed herself upwards, gasping for air when she reached the surface. Her face was fully in evil queen mode, which was even more intimidating when her hair was gelled back by the water.

"You better run.", She hissed, before swimming to the stairs.

"Uh oh, Daddy. She is really angry!", Flynn laughed when Lana finally reached the end of the pool and stepped outside. She was dripping from head to toe, which made her bra show through the white shirt of hers. As soon as she noticed, she was kind of embarrassed. Not because of Sean, but because of the kids even though they thought it was her bikini. Without any hesitation, she ran over to Sean, who was still standing near the edge of the pool. He didn't even try to get away since it would be only fair for her to push him in and that's exactly what she was going to do. As soon as Lana reached her former Co-star, she nudged him unexpectedly hard with some strength Sean didn't know she even had. He thumbed backward, naturally trying to hold on to something. But the only 'something' he got to grab was actually more a 'someone'. Lana to specify. He held on tight to her arm, dragging her with him back into the water. The whole scene left Leo and Flynn in laughter, which Sean joined when he was up again, glancing at Lana who was desperately trying not to laugh.

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