30| Bathtub Date

415 19 51

Lana actually took his advice and leaned back to read a book she found in between Sean's stuff since she didn't bring any of her own. She only reached chapter three before the doorbell rang, revealing Bex when Lana opened. The redhead immediately raised one eyebrow at her friend, looking up and down her body. 

"You're together, aren't you?", She asked without even hesitating, crossing her arms knowingly in front of her chest with an insecure smile on her face. Her gesture left Lana frowning. 

"Hello to you too", Lana mumbled before speaking up clearly "..And what makes you think that?", She asked whilst stepping aside to let her in. Her body was clearly showing how irritated she was, especially when she just gave the door a little sidekick to close it. 

"I got several things…", the redhead answered, walking past her to go straight into the living room like it was her own. With a pointing gesture, she made sure that Lana was going to sit down next to her, which she did with a roll of her eyes. 

"Are you going to tell me what those 'several things' are or do I have to beg you like a child?", she asked, annoyed. "I am not in the mood for games today, Bex. Why is it even important?", the black-haired woman said, putting the soft fluffy blanket back over her body to make herself all warm and cozy.

"You're on your period, aren't you?", Rebecca figured, looking at her with a knowing look. "Well, then it's totally understandable for you to be grumpy. Pretty sure it's keeping you from banging Sean the whole day...in addition to three kids that hold you back.", Bex thought out loud and just saw how Lana rolled her eyes again. "See… you're not even denying it!", she said, pointing at her friend to reinforce her sentence. 

"How did you find out?", Lana mumbled, looking down at her fingers to avoid Rebecca's gaze even though she knew exactly with which expression her friend was looking at her. 

"About the period thing or Sean?", the redhead asked, making Lana inhale loudly since she knew that Bex was well aware of what she was talking about.

"Our relationship!", Lana bursted out

"Pretty simple. I think everyone knows that there is like… something more than a friendship between you two, even though nobody ever labeled it. So when the party two days ago took place, I knew immediately that something was off. Sean was lost in his thoughts all the time and looked at you as often as he could. That's when I thought one of you must have made a move. To prove my assumption, I called you to pick up my jacket. You didn't even question why I was calling you instead of Sean even if it is HIS house… you didn't question it because you were here… all along. And in addition to that…", she said and put Lana's hair behind her ear before continuing. "You got a hickey right there.", she revealed, pointing at the blue spot on her neck. 

"Alright, YES! We are together, so what? Why are you angry about that?", Lana fired back not knowing why her friend tried to play Sherlock instead of just asking her. She wasn't able to keep a secret from her redheaded sister anyway. 

"I am not angry… I am happy for you. I really am.", She started but got cut in by Lana, who was completely tensed up by now. 

"You're having a strange way of showing this….", the black-haired woman confessed with a sigh. She didn't want to blow up like that but she hadn't really had any control of her temper today. 

"I am sorry… I just…", Bex sighed. "I am a little afraid that our trio friendship will break… and I really need you two in my life.", she confessed. "I know it sounds ridiculous but you're like two of my most important people in life and I am afraid that our friendship might break when you guys get in a fight.", she sighed. 

"I know what you mean… and that's one of the reasons why it took me so long to finally actually make a step...but I couldn't sit here any longer loving this man and family without telling him. I couldn't."

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