11| LP's Birthday (Part 1)

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It didn't matter how tired he would be tomorrow, he would make it a special day for Lana as he did for Flynn.

It took him more than two hours to set up a plan, bake the cake, and call some friends. Thank God that he still had all the ingredients he needed for another cake since he had baked one for Flynn. Sean used most of the birthday decoration that was already placed around the house but changed it enough to be more adult-like.

The cake wasn't a masterpiece after all, but Sean did manage to put enough decorations, mostly chocolatet, to make it look presentable. To be honest he was kind of proud.

After getting everything cleaned, he did a last check up on everything he had planned over the last couple of hours before heading to bed himself. To his surprise, Amélie didn't even wake up this night, which meant that she actually slept 11h straight. Must have been all the excitement about Lana being back that made her tired.

Sean's alarm woke him at 6 o'clock, half an hour earlier than normal. It took him about 10 more minutes before he managed to get out of bed and get dressed, before heading downstairs to place the cake on the kitchen counter.

After that, he went to Amélie, who was patiently playing with a book in her bed. Sean took care of changing her before waking up Flynn and Leo. Both of them were extremely excited when they learned that it was Lana's birthday today, so Sean dressed them quickly before sneaking up to Lana's door.

"Alright, boys. We're gonna sing happy birthday for her when I place the phone down okay?", He said, waiting for their positive response.

After that Sean started the video on his phone, whilst holding Amélie in his other arm. He slowly turned the doorknob and entered as quietly as possible with the boys, before placing his phone on a shelf, so it could record their birthday song in case Lana was too tired to actually recognize everything.

He had to giggle when he saw her still sleeping in peace, looking like an angel.

"1...2....3...", Sean counted quietly to give them a start signal. "Happy birthday to you-", they began to sing, which made Lana open her eyes since she wasn't in a deep sleep anymore. "-Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Lana. Happy birthday to you!", they all sang happily, including Leo and Flynn who decided to do it extra loudly and laughed at one point. Lana grinned as soon as she opened her eyes and sat herself up, to have a good look at her morning greeting. Her eyes even got watery since she didn't expect such a surprise at all. As the song ended Flynn and Leo climbed without any hesitation in Lana's bed to make her fall back in the pillows because of their tempestuous hugs, which made Lana laugh out of joy and happiness. Sean placed Amé at her bed, who was ready to crawl up to her as well before Sean sat down on the edge himself.

"Good morning, birthday girl.", he grinned at the woman, who was tucked in her bed by the boys.

Lana gave them a lot of kisses before wiggling out of their arms to hug Sean. She was so eager to get to him that she was falling unexpectedly in his arms, which made her lose control so that Sean fell backward with her on top. Lana chuckled and pushed her body up again, to be able to look him into the eyes. Her dark curls were slightly falling in front of her face, framing it perfectly. Sean automatically stroked his hand against her cheek up to her hair, to put it behind her ear again. Her brown eyes sparkled brighter when she felt his soft touch on her skin, making her giggle like a teenager.

"Thank you for that sweet surprise.", Lana said smiling. She wasn't able to unlock her eyes with his, instead, her sight shifted down to his lips, then up again. Of course, Sean noticed the certain stare on his lips that made Lana blush about her own actions, which made him grin a little. He did feel the exact same tension she felt and the urge to just smash his lips against hers was almost inevitable.

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