23| The Question Is...

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So why would we even think that far ahead? Mh? Live in the moment, sweetheart.", he grinned and gently rubbed over Lana's arm, which made her close her eyes, still leaning against his shoulders. He felt like a little girl again, laying in the arms of Sean's father, listening to his words.

"Thank you.", she said so quietly, that she wasn't sure if he even heard it but a gentle squeeze on her arm let her know that he did.

They stayed like that for a while, chuckling at Amélies playing skills and her way of communicating with them. It was more like pointing and mumbling but still the cutest thing in the world.

"What's happening here?", Sean asked grinning when he came back, seeing Lana in the arms of his father. It was a beautiful scene to look at, to be honest. It felt more than right seeing two of his favorite people in each other's arms, like they have known one another for years.

His words let Lana and Michael turn, both with big smiles on their faces.

"Bonding time, son.", was all his father answered him before standing up to greet Flynn and Leo as well. Both boys came running in his arms, giving Michael a tight hug, before they gave a quick one to Lana as well.

"Are you still going to leave?", Sean's father asked Lana, when Flynn and Leo finished. His eyes met hers and assured her that it would be okay to stay, but Lana just nodded her head slightly, but with a facial expression that told Michael that she needed some alone time to figure everything out for herself.

"Yeah... I am still leaving... I have to take care of some business... and... my thoughts.", Lana winked at him, before pulling Michael in for a thankful hug again.

"Hey, I am getting jealous over here. What happened whilst mum and I were gone? What did you guys talk about?", Sean asked curiously and confused at the same time.

"My mouth is sealed, son. All I can tell you is that your friend is a very lovely person to have around.", he chuckled, which made Lana grin.

She didn't stay long after that conversation. She basically said her goodbyes straight away and went to pick up Lola before returning home.

That she would have a busy week ahead wasn't a lie. Gladly she felt much better on the next day. Her stomach pain was gone and the headache was nothing that she couldn't treat. Her week was full of going on walks with Lola, meeting up with her agent, going through mails and necessarily content for the Regal boutique, and even catching up with some friends as you do. Her calendar for the next few weeks was actually quite filled with different parties from friends, important briefings for her brand, and so on. It annoyed her a little since all she wanted to figure out was if she should talk to Sean about her split thoughts about him or not.

This question haunted her in her dreams and basically every minute when her head was not occupied with something more important. It was her lovely aunt Candy, who was the only one that could see through her mask and look at the troubled soul of her niece and it was her, who told Lana exactly what she needed.

"Lana, dear. The question is not if you're ready to go into a partnership with him and risk your friendship for that. The question is: Will you be able to watch him move on with someone else, knowing that you'll never be more than just a friend."

Her words burned into Lana's thoughts and didn't leave her any second until that point because her answer got more clear every minute she was thinking about it. She simply couldn't. Even the idea of seeing somebody else on Sean's side made her feel alone, rejected and even a bit angry. Angry at herself for not having the strength to just walk up to him and show him what she felt. She wanted him. She wanted that life with him. The laughter, the early wake-ups, the outbursts of the kids, the time spent together, the love. The love she felt whenever she just heard his name.

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