36| Mistakes

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 "Honestly that's not funny, Maguire. I am worried. Where are you?", She said out loud, leaving Matt in the hallway before going through the house, whilst the unpleasant feeling of the unknown crept up to her body, sending her straight away into panic mode before reaching the kitchen. 

With a relieved exhale she found a note on the kitchen counter, saying that he had already headed out since he wanted to buy some stuff for the garden.

"He's not here.", Lana said to Matt, holding up the note. "A shame, you could have met him.", she chuckled but they will surely do that next time. 

"Maybe later. I am free today.", he said, looking around the house. "It's nice here. But who is this?", he asked, pointing at a picture of Tanya. "She is everywhere.", he noticed. 

"Ehm… yeah… yeah that's Sean's ex-wife. She died just a couple of months ago", Lana explained. 

"But isn't it odd to have her everywhere in the house?", Matt frowned. "I mean I don't want to offend anyone… but… he is with you now."

"I know, I know. But it's not that easy. It's not just him, it's also the kids. They love to look at the pictures and remember the good times. I am pretty sure we will reduce them when they are ready. It doesn't bother me because Sean is not talking about her like she is still alive. He is not. He gives me the feeling of being the only one in his life and that's more than enough after just a few months.", Lana chuckled because she knew exactly that Matthew was just looking out for her. 

They talked until it was time for her to get the boys and Amélie. Both didn't even know what they were talking about all that time since they couldn't stop chatting about the most random topics whilst Lola was enjoying the company of her long lost buddy. 

 "If you want I can drive you home as well after picking them up.", Lana offered, having him on the passenger seat but Matthew shook his head. "No honestly… no worries. I would really like to meet them if that's fine with you and after I can take the bus. I just looked it up. I don't even have to change buses in between. All good.", he said. 

"Alright sure. Nothing holding you back.", she laughed before parking the car at Amélie's nursery. "There we go.", she said, walking inside to get her little girl. This time Amé was already seeing her, running in her arms as fast as her little legs could carry her, even with her high risk of faling. "Hey sweetie.", Lana grinned and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

"Lala dog?", She asked straight away, looking around her.

"Lola is at home waiting for us. We are going to pick up Leo and Flynn and then we will head home to Lola.", Lana explained with a grin, before saying goodbye to the supervisor after a little chat about how Amélie did today. The girl was walking on her hand, not wanting to be carried, when she pointed at Matthew. She only realized now that he was with them. 

"Boy!", she said, looking at Lana. 

"Yeah, that's right. That's Matthew. Can you say Matt?", Lana asked. 

"At?", She repeated, showing a sweet smile with still some missing teeth and made both of them chuckle. 

"Almost.", Lana said with a grin. They strapped her in the car seat before picking up Flynn and Leo from school. Since Lana never picked them up in Vancouver alone until now, their teachers just had to check that her name was on the list of people who were allowed to pick them up. It wasn't a big struggle with Flynn's teachers but she did face a problem whilst trying to get Leo. 

"Sorry… I am afraid your name is not on the list. We don't have any formula filled out for you.", the nice lady said, looking apologizing to Lana. 

"There must be a mistake… I already got Flynn. He's just in a different class...but they are siblings. I am allowed to pick them up.", Lana said slightly panicking inside. "Sean… Ehm… their father told me that he filled out both forms for the boys."

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