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"Did your daddy let you watch us kiss, though?", She wondered. 

"He did when he explained acting to me. Telling me that acting means that you're just playing a role. You were at a campfire but didn't even have marshmallows!", Flynn confessed, looking disappointed. "And then you kissed daddy and it was yucky!", Flynn laughed with Leo joining in.  

Lana couldn't hold her giggling back either since the two boys were finding the kiss hilarious, even though it was just Flynn who actually saw it. 

"Okay okay, monkeys. I think it's time for us to go shopping now.", Lana said grinning before reaching for their hands.

"Are we going to buy a new toy??", Leo asked immediately, jumping to Lana's side to go with her and Flynn back to the car. 

"We're absolutely not. Your father said no toys, but if you're good we can go and pick out a new book for nighttime.", she answered, which made both of them thrilled. 

They arrived at the mall soon after, where Lana and the boys immediately went to some of the clothing shops since that was their main aim. It actually didn't take them too long to find the first few things they needed. Flynn went for normal Jeans, mainly short ones since it was always quite warm in LA, but they picked out long trousers as well just in case. Leo had found a couple of new shirts with all kinds of heroes on them, but he actually didn't need all of them since Leo could wear some of Flynn's old clothes. When they reached the baby aisle, Lana immediately went for quite neutral-colored pieces. The bright colors didn't appear to her at all, that's why a lot of pastels landed in their shopping bags. 

"We got pants, check!", Lana confessed. 

"These are trousers, Lana! Not pants.", Flynn corrected her since he was used to the British English that Sean and Tanya used at home. Lana just rolled her eyes in amusement since she always keeps on forgetting to say trousers when she is with them. 

"I will get that one day.", Lana grinned and continued to read the list of things they got or still had to get. In the end, they just had to find some simple socks and underwear for the boys, along with a thin jacket for Amélie since it was getting slightly colder. Lana really enjoyed spending time with Flynn and Leo alone since it reminded her of the times with her stepkids. The only problem was that her headache was coming back slowly but surely along with some stomach pain. That's why she sat down on one of the benches in the mall, telling the boys to rest for just a minute. 

"Are you okay?", Flynn said when he started to get worried. He did recognize that Lana had put a hand on her stomach several times now, whilst looking like she was in pain when she thought nobody was watching. 

"Yeah. I am fine. I think I just need to drink some more water. It will get better after that, it's just a little headache.", she assured the boy, kissing him on his forehead before reaching for her bottle. Flynn wasn't fully convinced of her explanation and made it his task to have a closer look at Lana. He was basically glued to her hand, not wanting to go anywhere without his auntie until they reached the bookstore. 

Lana sent them off to look for a new story whilst she was sitting down on one of the sofas in the store, where she was still able to see Flynn and Leo. Her head was killing her at this point, which led her to rub her temple. When Flynn came back with a book, his expression was even more worried than before. He knew that something was off and he didn't like it at all, that's why he was running back to Leo to get him as well. 

"We need to go home now, Leo.", Flynn confessed and pulled him slightly on the sleeve of his jumper. 

"Why? I am not ready.", Leo exclaimed, trying to pick one of the books he had in his hands, but Flynn didn't really let him. 

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