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Damon stands in the doorframe quietly. He sighs before saying "This is ridiculous. And you know it."

"Yes. It is." She agrees before asking "But are you saying it's ridiculous for the same reasons I am? Because I think it's ridiculous that you got everyone in this mess. I think it's ridiculous that you're so incredibly selfish that you thought this was okay.

I think it's ridiculous that you consistently hurt the people around you and don't ever wonder why they leave. I think it's ridiculous that you actually believe you have the right to tell me, what is and isn't ridiculous."

He says nothing.

"Damon. What on earth possessed you to do any of this? To set this all up? To get my brother involved, but to then also drag me and Ewan into it?" She sounds exasperated

"It's not fair." He says slowly. "What you're saying isn't fair nor true."

"Really? Because I think it is."

"You left everything we had the minute, the absolute fucking minute you met him. You stopped calling, showing up. Everything. It was like I'd been fucking cast aside, and I had to read about it in a damn press release."

"That's quite funny coming from you."

"What do you mean?"

"You treat the women in your life as replacements for when you and Justine fight. Honestly Damon. Look at your hookups, your relationships, like come on. It's right there in front of you. The minute you and Justine make up, you practically dump the other person on their knees. You can't be mad that I moved on."

He scoffs "It's an open relationship. Everyone knows that. Especially when they get involved."

"You set that expectation and don't keep it for yourself." She says frustratedly.

Damon scoffs "you're the only one who says that you know."

"No! I'm not! And that's the best part." Chloe says, turning to look at him. "You could even call up your best buddy Avery fucking Pince! Or are you not on speaking terms because she's started shagging Liam Gallagher instead of you?"

Damon ignores this notion entirely, disregarding the mention and moving on immediately. "I miss us. That's all I wanted to say, because I know that I'm right and that you miss it all too. That's why I came up here."

"To what? Proclaim these feelings? Because you can shove them right up your arse."

He groans "Come on Chloe don't be like that."

"You told a girl in a relationship, that you treated like shit previously, that you missed her...and expected it to go well? Damon you need to leave."

"I have a hotel room at the Four Seasons. I hope you'll call for my room tonight. We can have a more enclosed conversation." He says, staring at the wall.

"Get out."

"It's what we need. It'll be good. I swear-"

"Damon no."

"Chloe come on"

"Get out. How many times do I need to say this?"

"You're making a choice you'll regret. I mean all these years later-"

"You're making me uncomfortable. Please stop."

"You're going to look back on this moment and remember this as the moment you fucked up. Because I won't try again."

At that moment Ewan McGregor appeared in the doorway, wrinkling his nose at the sight of Damon, not sure what was going on, but knowing he didn't like it. The actor slipped into the room, past Damon and sat down, turning to look over at the musician and his girlfriend's frazzled expression.

"Hello Damon. To what do we owe the pleasure of your...visit?"

"I was just trying to make amends with Chloe. That's all. I'm sure you could let us do that."

He raises an eyebrow "Of course. Chloe makes her own decisions. In fact, Chloe do you want me to shut the door on his foot?"

"Oh fuck off McGregor." He says rolling his eyes.

"Right. Chloe?"

"I'll do it myself." She says, standing up and slamming the door shut, hearing Damon yell an obscenity before apparently sulking off and down the hallway.

"He sure is bitter." Ewan mutters

"Let's get out of here. Please." Chloe says, pulling her coat on.

"Couldn't agree more. Now, where are we going?"

"My dad's. He had someone set it up for us during the show." Chloe says shrugging.

"Of course. And do you think we'll get out of here without spotting that idiot again?"


And with that, the two started trying to make their way out of the studio without any further interactions with the staff, Hans or the band Blur. Which they successfully did. Finally exiting the NBC building and landing themselves on the populated, yet also empty streets of NYC- where their actual driver was waiting this time.

And soon enough, they were huddled up and onto Maxis Erlich's New York home, away from the travesty that had occurred the night before. The ride was eerily silent, with the two in their giant coats, essentially too tired to say anything to one another.

There was a general understanding that the night had been rough for both of them, and that nothing would make it easier for them, except perhaps one another's company. Which was fine.

The minute their driver turned onto Park Avenue, Chloe signaled for the car to stop, and the pair got out, making their way down the street to perhaps one of the more extravagant buildings on the street, and up inside- past the doorman and to Maxis' apartment.

His dress shoes and her heels clicked on the tiled floor, and from the minute they stepped foot into the apartment, off the elevator he realized that he could get used to all of this.

Chloe kind of led him around on a slight tour, explaining that the apartment had been built in the year 1930, and her father had liked the architecture in the apartment, mainly coming from the fact that it reminded him of romantic and gilded age styles.

When they reached Chloe's bedroom, the two practically collapsed on the bed, still dressed in their best and all.

stories from the city; damon albarnWhere stories live. Discover now