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Requested by EarthChild0717


I ran from the gym in horror at what I had just heard. These motives are out of hand. Hes bribing us with money now!? As I was running i felt myself fall and my head smacked against the cold floor. My vision fazes in and out. A horrible ringing over takes my head. Then, I black out.

GASP I shot up from where I was laying. It seemed to be a nurses office?

"SHH! You're okay, you're okay," Monokuma layer me back down

"What...what happened? Why are you...huh?" I asked dazed

"Look, as your headmaster its my responsibility to heal you when your hurt okay? And you snacked your head pretty hard! Im shocked you don't have amnesia!" He gasped

"So you're taking care of me..." I groaned. How long am I gonna be stuck with this mad man for!?

"Oh don't groan! I could've left you to die! But im so nice so I didnt...!" He crossed his arms and pouted. I attempted to get up, but when my foot touched the ground, a horrible pain flew up my body.

"Agh!" I cried in pain

"You twisted your ankle pretty bad, sweetheart" Monokuma laughed and helped me moved back to a laying down position.

"Here, this should help the pain in your head subside and hopefully help with that ankle of yours. Ill go grab you some water. Is there anything else you want? Food or a plushie? A book maybe?" He asked, his face looked to be full of genuine concern. I shook my head and watched as he left the room. My head was pounding, I could hear my heartbeat. I groaned in pain. Monokuma had the lights on very low and when he spoke he spoke softly.

He came back into the room with some water and helped me take the medicine. He sat back down in a chair and sighed.

"How are you feeling, Y/N?"

"Bad" I groaned. He moved to the other side of the bed and sat behind me. He started to play with my hair.

"You have really nice hair you know" he laughed in a breathy way

"Thank you" I said quickly and quietly

"If it hurts to speak, please don't. If you need me to shut up, I can" he poked my cheek.

"No thats okay" I smiled. Afyer about 20 minutes my headache was stating to go away. Monokuma had stayed in the same position. We spoke softly and quickly. His company was actually really nice. I turned over to face him. He was now laying down on his back staring at the ceiling. He turned his head to look at me. The room was well lit enough that I could make out his facial features. He was not too bad to look at. His eyes were beautiful, one like a ruby and one as black as the night sky. Yet there seemed to be a sparkle in them. Not one from the light, one you had to truly look at to notice. One full of yearning, desperation, want... no not want, need. There was something he so desperately needed, but was just out of reach. Something that seemed to cause him great despair. I wanted to know what that could be. I'm the Ultimate Attentive. I know exactly what a person is feeling, it's what I've spent years perfecting. There was just something so out of range from me that I couldn't read about him. He wanted something, but God damn it what was it? It wasn't despair, when Monokuma wanted that his red eye would glow. This sparkle seemed to flow throughout his entire existence. As if this sparkle, this need was what he lived for.

"What are you thinking about, Y/N? You've been staring at me for a while now..." he teased me quietly

"Your eyes, they tell me a lot about who you are" I said

"Oh yeah? Tell me, Y/N how do my eyes speak to you?" He brought his face close to me

"Well I could tell you everything you already knew that I know. Would you like to hear my new discovery?" I asked. He nodded.

"Theres a sparkle in your eye thats been intruding your thoughts. Its been eating away at you for a while now, hasn't it? Although the sparkle can make you feel great, its there because you want something. Something to fill that void. The void where the sparkle is try to substitute that yearning sensation you feel. Yet  I can't figure it out...what is it you so desperately need? What is it that yanks at your mind and pulls you away from reality. What makes your eyes sparkle like that, Monokuma?"

He looked as if he had just seen a ghost. I could tell my words hit him hard. He smiled at me and sat up. I followed his actions and brought my knees to my chest.

"Its someone I know, Y/N..." he said looking down

"Tell me about them"

"Well, when I first met them, I knew that they were different. Not in a way as in im so quirky different. They were different as in the way they caught my attention. Every time I saw them, I questioned reality. I quickly grew attached but I know they don't agree with my views. The thing is, id change everything for them. Id give them the whole world as soon as they asked. Id do anything for them, Y/N. But they don't know that. They don't know that at night I plan everything I wanna say to them, or how when I look into the mirror I see them by my side. When they look at me, I know im safe, I know that they are my home. They are whom my heart belongs to and its stupid, this is all so stupid. I let myself fall for someone who will leave. Someone I can't have. Someone who is working against me. God damn it when ever I think about i love them my heart hurts. I wanna get up and scream it to the whole world. God damn it I love you so much Y/N don't you see!?" Monokuma choked up and spat his words out at the end on the verge of tears. My heart felt as thought it had come to a stop. The world paused and my thoughts became slow. He loved me? This murderous bear-human-boy thing, was dedicated to making me happy? He would change his world, for me?

His eyes shined brighter than ever, he was ready for anything. I could practically hear his adrenaline. I looked into his eyes. Would I let this man change my world? Would I let myself fall for someone so unpredictable someone who i barely know. Yet, when I look into his eyes. I've known his for years. I know every breath he's taken, every thought he's heard, every blink, I know every person whom hurt him I know every voice that has spoken to him. I know him. I know Monokuma. The sparkly void in his eyes, was a hole in the ground. One that I've fallen into. One I don't wanna leave. He grabbed my shoulders.

"Please, Y/N...change my world?" He asked. I looked at the sparkly boy and I smashed my lips onto his. In that split second, my world changed and so did his. It felt as if our bodies became one and our wants had come to an agreement. He felt perfect in my arms, I knew this is where I should stay. Monokuma, was my hope. We stayed in each other's arms and our lips connected for a few minutes. We pulled away gasping. His eyes gleamed with hope. Hope id never seen. He put his forehead to mine.

"I love you, Y/N" He said to me

"I love you so much, Monokuma" I said. I looked at the man who had stolen my heart in a short amount of time and I smiled. I love him.

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