Thunder || Monokuma x Reader

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I sat in my dorm room bed typing away on my computer. The sound of thunder and rain hit the walls of Hopes Peak and I closed my eyes every once and a while to feel at peace. Then my door busted open.

"Y-Y/N..." I heard Monokuma whimper. His eyes were red and watering. He held a monobear plushie in his arms.

"Monokuma! What's wrong!?" I shut my laptop and opened my arms to my boyfriend. He closed the door and ran to me. He collided into my body and shoved his face into my shoulder.

"T-The storm...its scaring me" he whispered. I kissed the top of his head.

"'re safe with me" I ran my hands through his hair and scratched his bear ears. He softly hummed and nodded. He pressed his face closer to me. Tears soaked my shirt but I didn't mind. Monokuma body was shaking as he tried to calm down.

"Eep!" He yelped as thunder roared through my dorm. I squeezed him tightly and kissed his cheek.

"Its okay...we're safe" I hummed a simple tune so he could calm down.

"I hate loud noises" he said as he scoffed

"I know you do"

"Is it because im guilty of something?"

"We all are guilty of something"

"Why do I feel this way, Y/N?"

"What do you mean?"

"When im with you...I feel like the only boy in the world and that you're the only person to ever have existed...I feel so special with you" he smiles

"You're the most special" I giggled and kissed him. He just hummed and kissed me back. Thunder roared again and he jumped, holding me tighter.

"Protect me!" He yelped

"I will I will!" I said laughing. He grumbled and nuzzled my neck.

"You are the meanest..." he says

"How!?" I said

"You're teasing me!!"

"When!? How!? What!?"

"You laughed at me!!!!"

"I guess I can just stop holding you...~" I giggled and I pulled away. He scrambled ot pull me close again.

"N-No!" He said, "I just wanna hold you forever..."

"Yeah...hold me as if I'm not holding you right now, you scardey cat" I snickered

"Shut up!" He says

"Im sorry~"

"No you're not!"

"Im the most sorry!" I grabbed his face and kissed him

"Mm...I wish we could kiss for eternity"

"You like meeee~!" I teased him. He rolled his eyes.

"No, I dont like you at alll~" he says nuzzling closer to me (somehow).

"Mhm...and you especially don't like cuddles or kisses" I say

"Mnm...this is torture..." he says as I shower him in kisses. "I love you Y/N" he whispered

"I love you mostest..." I said kissing him.


Dang that was short asf lol anywho I'm terrified of thunder storms and its thundering so yeahhhhhh have this lol

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