Go Away (Angst)

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Y/N paced their cottage. Nagito had just taken his life. Monokuma had never been happier with all the despair surrounding him. It disgusted Y/N. The fact they accosciated with someone as disgusting as him! They clenched their fists. They needed to get rid of Monokuma. Monokuma could not be in their life anymore. They hated Monokuma more than words could describe. They lied to them selves every night saying they cared for him. It was all a lie. Y/N didn't know how to handle their emotions. They didn't know that when someone was nice to you once that you didn't have to love them. They didn't know that when Monokuma said he loved them, that they didn't have to say it back. They hated it though. They'd tell him tonight. They'd tell him off for everything he did. Every disgusting, heart wrenching God awful thing he did and said.

Monokuma entered Y/Ns cottage.

"You wanted to talk to me?" He said staring at his beautiful lover. Y/N looked down at the floor. It looked as though a shadow drifted over their eyes. They wanted to scream until their vocal chords tore apart. They wanted to slap Monokuma until his face turned red. Tears formed in their eyes as they let their anger boil onside them. They fell to the floor scratching at the floor. Blood began forming on their finger tips. "Y/N!" Monokuma fell to their side. He grabbed their hand and touched the blood. He looked into Y/Ns cold eyes.

"Dont touch me...dont you dare!" They screamed

"Is this about Nagito? God Y/N i already told you I had nothing to do with it-"

"You had everything to do with it! Its all your fault! Everything is! God...whyd I ever let into my mind! I...dont ever want to be accosciated with you because in the end...hope will always win. You peace of lying shit! You're garbage!" They spat out harshly. Monokuma cocked his head as he pulled his hands away from them.

"You must be feeling alot of desp- GAH!" Y/N brought something sharp to Monokumas chest "y-you...you bitch you...you stabbed me!" He screamed. Monokumas blood flowed from his stomach. Monokuma grunted as he pushed Y/N. Their head smacked against a glass table, is shattered and glass began digging into thier arms.

"Agh!" They screamed

"Why...Y/N" he began to cough blood. "W-Whyd you do it...you know...I loved you..."

"But you loved despair more...d-didnt you?" They said

"Gh...I l-loved..." he fell to the floor as his head smacked against the floor. Then their vision went black.

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