Cruel Joke || Monokuma x Reader (Angst/Requested)

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Requested by Sad_Venti_simp

Monokuma skipped down the hall way to his dear Y/N's dorm. He hummed to himself and opened the door.

"Monokuma?" Y/N rolled their eyes and groaned

"Im bored~" Monokuma whined as he closed the door and ran to Y/N

"Go bother someone else!" The yelled as he jumped on top of them

"Nooo!" He whined as he desperately fought Y/N to cuddle them

"Monokuma! You're acting like we're dating!" They screamed while blushing

"Why aren't we!?" He whined

"Stop saying stuff like that! Gah!" Y/N's face heated up. Eventually Y/N became tired, so they let Monokuma lay on them.

"Thank youuu!" He giggled, nuzzling his face into Y/N

"Hush-" they said as they glared at him

"Hehe!" Monokuma giggled and poked their nose. Monokuma clang onto Y/N, closing his eyes. He felt himself falling asleep.

Y/N stared down at him. They smiled a little. Why are they his favorite? They didn't do anything special. As much as Y/N complained, they didn't really mind the attention.

They scootched down and moved him so they could still hold him, but sleep comfortably.

When Monokuma finally woke up, he stared at the sleeping Y/N and smiled like a dork. He kissed their forehead and got up. Mama was going to be mad.

He left the dorm and carefully walked to his and Mama's office. He turned the door knob and Junkos chair turned to him.

"Have fun?" She glared at him

"Im sorry Mama...I just-"

"No excuses. I don't wanna hear it."

"B-But Mama! I-I didnt mean anything by it!" He said

"Dont talk back to me" she says standing up

"I-Im sorry..." he whimpered as she grabbed his hair. She began to pull him out of the office and down the hallway. "W-Where are we going...?" He asked

"To your darlings room" she said harshly. She opened Y/Ns door and threw Monokuma in. He yelped and looked at Y/N. Their eyes were still closed. Their lips...their lips were blue?

"Y-Y/N!?" Monokuma yelled. He ran to their side and put his fingers to their neck. "N-No...nonononono... Mama! Mama what did you do!" He screamed at Junko

"I was playing around~" she smiled

" Y/N..." he whispered. He put his hand on their cheek and shook them. "P-Please. Please wake up! Wake up!" He screeched, tears falling down his face.

"They're dead! Hehe!" Junko squished her cheeks and laughed

"W-Why...why would you do this!" He screamed as he cried into Y/N's torso.

"It was funny!" She laughed more

" are a monster!" He yelled, grabbing his pocket knife. He ran st Junko, but she grabbed his arms. She twisted it out of his hand, and stabbed him in the stomach. "Gh! M-Mama!" He fell to the floor.

"Rot in hell" she spat on him. And left the dorm.

Monokuma stared at the door. He stared in disbelief. He was dying. Y/N was dead. And it was Junkos fault.

He stood up shakily, coughing blood. He fell onto the bed next to Y/N. He kissed them, and let himself fall asleep. He let himself die, kissing them, and in their arms. Exactly how he wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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