Grounding|| Monokuma x Anxious!Reader

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(Monokuma is both human and robot)

Monokuma stood next to me as he explained the motives. I passed the videos out to everyone. He sat in my lap as we watched them scream and wail. I giggled a little and hugged him close. Monokuma nuzzled his head close to me and his white side goes visibly red.

Monokuma started maniacally laughing. I smiled at everyone and waited for them to leave.

"Puhuhuhu~ the despair!" He said laughing. I rolled my eyes and laughed. He jumped down to the floor and held my hand as we went back to the camera room. Human Monokuma was sat on the office chair eating cereal. He turned off the monobear and opened his arms for a hug.

"Hi Mono" I said laughing and hugging him.

"Hi!!" He said kissing my cheek. I giggled and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. He kissed me back and pulled me onto his lap. Monokuma controlled the Monobear like a RC car! I laid my head on his shoulder and watched the cameras with him. He ran his hand through my hair giving me kisses on my head. I tapped my fingers on his shoulders as I felt myself becoming a little overwhelmed. "Are you okay?" He turned all his attention to me, pulling my face to look at him. I nodded and smiled. "I know when you're lying~" he said kissing my cheek.

"Just a little panicky that's all. Its nothing!" I said

"If its upsetting you then its not nothing! Come on, let's do some grounding techniques?" He said. I nodded and he placed me in a chair next to him. He untied my shoes and took them off. He laughed at my mismatched socks and continued to unzip his boots, he had matching black socks. "Okay, set your feet on the ground and pedal them like this!" He showed me how to do it. I followed his actions and he grabbed my hand. "How does that feel?" He asked


"How does my hand feel?"

"Warm...and comforting"

"Alright while we so this let's play a little game!" He said. "What are five things you can see?"

", the monitors, a table, the chairs, and the wall"

"Alrighty my turn! I can see my cutie partner! I can see...oh! I can see Makoto on the screen blushing at Togmai! I can see notes on the table, I can see nail polish, and I can see my hands! Alright, 4 things you can hear :

"Your voice, voices on the monitor, the fan, and the buzzing of the light bulb"

"Good job! I can hear your voice, I can hear my breathing, I can hear...the ice maker! And I can hear...your breathing! Okay okay, 3 things you can feel"

"Your hand, my clothes, the floor"

"Im gonna steal those from you because I can feel those as well. 2 things you can smell"

"Your cologne and the chips from last night"

"Ee! I can smell you and I can smell...honey!"

"You always smell honey..."

"Its so good~ alright last one, one thing you can taste"

"My gum"


"You're so cute..." I giggled

"I love you!" He kissed me sweetly

"I love you too!"

"How are you feeling now?" He asked me, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand.

"Alot better...thanks..."

"'re my everything, Y/N" he kissed my forehead and brought me close to him.

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